aaa ER-1, love or hate it, its an original beasty - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: ER-1, love or hate it, its an original beasty

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Original Message 1/7             21-Feb-00  @  06:45 PM   -   ER-1, love or hate it, its an original beasty



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I've had my ER-1 for about 6 months now. And I go back and forth with it. At the moment I'm lovin it. But certain things about it piss me off. My main beefs are with the global delay, and the lack of ability to create a beefy snare. Any suggestions on getting anice snare anyone. Anyway. I think for the price, and the interface this bax can't be beat.


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Message 2/7             22-Feb-00  @  08:58 PM   -   RE: ER-1, love or hate it, its an original beasty



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I own the ER1 my self. And since you had your er1 for 6 months and you still cant get the snare sound you like then its a big chance that its not going to happen. Im having trouble creating this one Gabba style kick out of it. Sometimes I get close but it still doesnt sound right. I think what I need to do is a distortion box to it. But then if I do this then everything becomes distorted. Bah. I like it though. Its fat,Simple,and easy to programe your beats.


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Message 3/7             22-Feb-00  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: ER-1, love or hate it, its an original beasty



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the sterio out, globa FX, week snare (overall limeted sound editing), r the big limits on this box, korg is playing "lets do it again game" and r going to bring out a ER2 (hence ER"1"). u can get a very cool retro snare (like trk1 on the new Underworld CD) and ok dnb snares (chek dnb patterns), but snappy.. nope.. a tr6o6 will get u the snappyest snare, and dancing hats a cool kick 2 week next 2 a 9o9 but cool & round, not expensif but no midi..

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Message 4/7             21-Mar-00  @  02:59 AM   -   RE: ER-1, love or hate it, its an original beasty



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I Love the ER-1
There are some drawbacks.. Like the
one stereo out. And the Global FX..
AND the snare can be a bit weak.. BUT all in all the box rocks. It has
killer low end. You cant beat the price
you can find one used for like 250.00 Its an electro fans wet dream.

Tip... Flange the mid and the highs.. Or maybe just the highs.. Tweak that knob and go to orbit.. The Box rules..

The Master

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Message 5/7             27-Mar-00  @  06:56 AM   -   RE: ER-1, love or hate it, its an original beasty


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OK , so I saw and heard Johannes Heil live in Amsterdam a few weeks ago...the
set was awesome. Yesterday morning while zapping on the tellie I saw this report on German Techno producers. Part of which showed Heil's act.What did it show besides his lovely mixer : EA-1&ER-1 ! side by side, doing his wonderfull thing with MY setup minus my TB . Thinking back I was listening with thoughts of a bigger "more expensive??" rig.Oh well just wanted to share this with ya.


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Message 6/7             29-Mar-00  @  01:41 PM   -   RE: ER-1, love or hate it, its an original beasty



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Anyone how can help me with the midi implantation list for the controller........???please!!!

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Message 7/7             11-Apr-00  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: ER-1, love or hate it, its an original beasty



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The Er-1 is a wonderfuly complimentary machine, especially if you've got a sample based box,(i love it with my
sr-16)and putting it through fx helps
alot too, I had the same complaint about the snares, but remedy'd it with a filter and reverb combo

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