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Subject: Retaining midi settings after after restart

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Original Message 1/9             01-Sep-99  @  08:12 AM   -   Retaining midi settings after after restart



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Some advice pleeeease folks !!

Is this possible ?

You are in the midst of writing a track using Cubase VST, Novation, other midi synths and devices and you save your track information as a Cubase song file. You then wake up next day, restart your kit but then continue to start writing another track, changing the bank settings etc.. on your devices.
You then want to revert back to your original track which you are half way thru but have forgot that you have changed voice/banks etc.. and can't remember what voice / bank setting was assigned to which midi channel of your track.

What I am trying to say is:

If you are writing a track with your sequencer, is it possible to save all your voice / bank settings etc.. along with the track structure so that when you load the track again all your midi devices will receive appropriate information from Cubase telling them which voice / bank settings they should revert to in accordance with the track you have loaded.

It would be a dream come true if this could happen. If possible, then it would be even better if I could actually make it happen.


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Message 2/9             01-Sep-99  @  12:39 PM   -   RE: Retaining midi settings after after restart



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I know it's possible with Cake. Guess it should be possible with Cubase.

The magic word is sysex. Don't know how that works in Cubase though.

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Message 3/9             01-Sep-99  @  12:49 PM   -   RE: Retaining midi settings after after restart



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Thanx geordy.

If it's possible with Cake then I guess it should be possible with Cubase.

The trouble is, I don't really know my sysex from my elbow.

I know how to point / click. Drag and drop and change settings etc..That's as far as I know.

Does anyone know the exact point and click etc.. ? ?? ?

much appreciated


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Message 4/9             01-Sep-99  @  01:19 PM   -   RE: Retaining midi settings after after restart



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I don't have my Nova yet, and I've only used Cubase a couple times, so this is only theoretical help here:

You don't necessarily need to use sysex to change banks/patches, but this method allows your sequence to play back correctly on other sequencers when exported as a MIDI file (assuming you have the same gear on the other end). If this isn't important to you, there is probably another way...

In Cakewalk, you set up an instrument definition file which correlates program and bank change messages to patches in your synths. It's really tedious compared to, say, Vision + OMS on a Mac, but it at least allows you to send a program/bank change message at the beginning of your MIDI file on each channel to set up your instruments each time the sequence plays.

I'm sure there is an equivalent in Cubase... in fact, I'd be willing to bet a ton of money on it. If you can't figure out how, try this: Have a few blank measures in the beginning of the sequence, and go through all your tracks one by one and hit record and select the bank and patch for each channel *on the Nova* during those measures. If you have the MIDI out of the Nova going to your computer and enabled as an input device in Cubase, the Nova should send out the appropriate bank/patch change message, and it should switch correctly the next time you playback the sequence. You'll have to do this for each track/channel. Does that make sense to ya? If not, let me know and I'll try to clarify. Good luck... peace...


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Message 5/9             01-Sep-99  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: Retaining midi settings after after restart



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The concept makes full sense to me psylichon.

The only thing being is at present, my Nova is in the centre of my Midi chain of devices. It would mean that I would have to do a lot of plugging and unplugging of midi leads and rearanging my synth racks etc..

However, it is well worth a shot for testing purposes.

If the nova is smart enough to do this then Brilliant!! (Phil) But, it would still mean the possability of setting manually all other banks etc.. on my other devices. Therefore it would be kind of worthless globally in my setup as I use about 5 channels for my Nova, with all other channels spread between my other devices.

I think you hit on something there psyclicon. Thanks!!

Is Cubase able to record bank changes from any device in a midi chain ?
Do all modern midi devices have the capability of sending bank changes to Cubase ?
Does the Nova send bank changes without being the direct input device ?

Youve opened a can of worms on me here pysc !! :-) My heads buzzing !!!

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Message 6/9             01-Sep-99  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: Retaining midi settings after after restart



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Pretty much all modern MIDI synths transmit bank and program changes via MIDI as you select them from the front panel (I think), unless you specify them not to.

I know what a puzzle it can be sometimes when routing the MIDI ins and outs of your system. It gets all the more complicated with more synths (which is probably why my lazy ass never has more than two synths at a time). One option is to get a multiple-MIDI IO port for your computer and give each instrument a dedicated MIDI gozinta and gozouta from the computer. This can solve a lot of problems.

Of course, you could bypass all this by figuring out how to set up Cubase to define bank/patch settings for each channel. I'm sure this is possible... and I know there are a lot of Cubase users on here, so maybe they can be of more assistance here. That way, you don't really need to have MIDI output from the Nova to the computer, since you'll select your sounds in Cubase.

One more thing to consider, however, is that you'll definitely want to be able to record knob movements into a sequence so your dynamic sounds playback correctly, and to do this, you need to have MIDI output from the Nova going to the computer. I'd recommend a good multi-port MIDI interface if this is important to you. Let me know how it goes...



p.s.- I'm on break between semesters and I'm bored out of my mind, which is why I'm responding so quickly. I swear to god, I really do have a life! :}

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Message 7/9             02-Sep-99  @  07:54 AM   -   RE: Retaining midi settings after after restart



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Thanks for the info psylichon.

I do think I will need to purchase a multi port midi card for my stuff. Won't get the full worth out of my kit without one.

Ok. So, Using a multi port would allow all my kit direct midi in on my sequencer (correct me if I'm wrong). Therefore, I can record all knowb movements etc.. from each device into Cubase.

Ok. Psylichon.
New multi port setup with every device attached directly to a midi in port. Will I still be able to set it up so that my master keyboard (Z1) is still able to trigger all other devices for input ???

I am creating more questions here. I know.

The original one is still outstanding.

Anyone !

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Message 8/9             03-Sep-99  @  06:41 AM   -   RE: Retaining midi settings after after restart



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I use Cake, but the fellow who explained this to me uses Cubase. If you connect each of your instruments directly with their own MIDI ins and outs to your computer, your keyboard can control each instrument. I have one keyboard workstation, the SN, and a drum synth each with their own ports. The keyboard started controling everything automatically, which is what my Cubase friend told me would happen. I don't know why it worked but I ain't complainin'. Make sure that the local switch on your keyboard is off so you don't get any echoing. Having seperate ports for everything gave me the full channel capacity for each instrument, rather than all of them sharing 16 channels in a MIDI THRU daisy chain.

Hope that helps. It all works out.


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Message 9/9             03-Sep-99  @  08:29 AM   -   RE: Retaining midi settings after after restart



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Nice one SitarSong...

There is hope !!!!!


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