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Subject: Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?

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Original Message 1/9             19-Mar-98  @  10:05 PM   -   Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?



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You have this bit of gear that really does it for you. Tell me about it!

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Message 2/9             20-Mar-98  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?


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Ensoniq VFX - can set different pan position for each oscillator so a 3 oscillator Jupiter saw pad sounds phaaaat - more effective than any chorus. The most unreallistic sax yet sooo expressive - it really feels like a sax but sounds like a set of bagpipes! Also Shimmering metallic wavetable pads are ace. There's something very 'loose' about all the sounds...can't really describe it...not tight and controlled...sort of .....loose! Wavetables can be gritty when moving slowly through them - I guess there's just not enough waves in each table so the interpolations can be big steps. Very under-rated. If I ever had to play live with just one synth this would be it.

Yamaha SY99. Sweet sound (mostly from the vg effects) otherwise no special features. RCM very clever and unique but not much use really. Nice leccie pianos and some unusual samples. Good keyboard, 76 keys and 3 wheels make it a good master. Time I sold it, any offers?!

Wavestation SR. Best pads of anything I've heard - they just keep moving. It's different, little twinkles and plops come in after a few seconds in a pad. The secret to good music (here he goes....) is keeping it simple - a WS pad plus lead and drums is often enough for a good chunk of track - you just don't need to add other stuff to fill it out and make it interesting. An absolute bastard to program tho'.

Cheetah MS6. Warm and rich for basses in particular. Trouble is it konks out too soon in the bass - an extra octave would make it sooo good. Envelope controlled oscillator mix.

Korg Prophecy. Synch, 3 oscillators, ring mod and xmod. I don't care wot you say about LFO's, the SUPERNOVA AIN'T GOT XMOD! No choice of filter cut-off slopes tho'.

Arp Axxe with 5 VCOs including pwm, synch and xmod, extra ADSR and LFO, joystick etc. Major bass attack. Often criticised for a thin filter but stuff it with 5x signal from all those oscillators and it really kicks ass. Extra LFO has a synch function to a further LFO so that moving the other one's frequency gives an untuneful arpeggio effect. I could do a sample cd full of really unique sounds from this beasty...

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Message 3/9             20-Mar-98  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?



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Oops, sorry - that one was from me!!!

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Message 4/9             23-Mar-98  @  09:51 PM   -   RE: Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?



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I'm glad you like the wavestation SR, I did some of the sounds. I was also involved in the Prophecy voicing.

The Suupernova is capable of those bigggger sounds as well.

I also note you have a cheeta MS6. Our President/ Managing director designed and voiced it. He will be complemented by your comment.

Cheers Phill.

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Message 5/9             24-Mar-98  @  08:35 PM   -   RE: Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?



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Thought I'd tell you some more good points about the VFX as it's relatively unknown and you/boss seem to know most of my other gear well.

Poly aftertouch - useful for picking out just one brass note in a chord and giving it vibrato or opening the filter.

User interface - this is about as good as a data-entry synth gets. There's a button for each module, eg envelope, that puts 6 parameters on the large VFD display, and there's six buttons, one next to each parameter which select it for the data entry slider. If you want the next page of 6 parameters for that module you just push the envelope button again etc.

Can apply curves/quantization to controllers to change their charecteristics eg make the mod wheel move in 32 steps rather than be smooth...

Can define custom scales - still too many synths can't do this - but what I really like about VFX is that you can tell it how sharp the top C should be and it'll interpolate (and even extrapolate) all the other key scale values. I like to have the notes get progressively sharper as you go up the keyboard so that the top note is a few cents higher than normal.

2 patch select buttons by the wheels - these are a primitive morph in that you can set up 3 other patches and switch between normal and the other 2 (similar or completely different) sounds by pushing either or both buttons.

Keyboard - most reviewers hate it but I like it a lot; ok it sounds a bit cheap and clacky but it's very easy to play fast. It feels like you're pushing againts a weight rather than a spring, more like a light piano action.

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Message 6/9             27-Mar-98  @  05:25 PM   -   RE: Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?



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hey Steve..... did you try that wavestation pc editor at my site ?.....

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Message 7/9             27-Mar-98  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?



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Cheers Kilo, I didn't spot it before. I just downloaded the Mark Lanoszka file and it don't seem to be an editor! I get a Zip which extracts to a korg_ws.ins file containing just patch names! Is this right? I then tried the other link to Ben Hall which seems to give me 2 editors. I'll try these. Cheers.

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Message 8/9             28-Mar-98  @  04:02 PM   -   RE: Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?



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Roland SH-101
why? - if you have to ask then you ain't wrestled with one.. simplicity itself.. get the arpeggiator runninng with a triplet delay ....mMmmMm
although my Juno2 comes close to, nice pure analogue pads.. luverlly

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Message 9/9             31-Mar-98  @  11:13 PM   -   RE: Hey! What do you like about the gear yo have?



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Yep loove your thoughts, thats why we put a Tap delay on the supernova

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