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Subject: uploading mixes

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Original Message 1/8             20-Mar-04  @  09:22 PM   -   uploading mixes


Posts: 1

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

This error always pops up when i try and upload and add my mix. whats the problem??

Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic Information

An error occurred while evaluating the expression:

#title# is ""

Error near line 2, column 14.

Error resolving parameter TITLE

ColdFusion was unable to determine the value of the parameter. This problem is very likely due to the fact that either:

You have misspelled the parameter name, or
You have not specified a QUERY attribute for a CFOUTPUT, CFMAIL, or CFTABLE tag.

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFIF), occupying document position (2:1) to (2:20) in the template file C:\httpd\htdocnew\7161\members\track_update_withfile_dj.cfm.

Date/Time: 03/20/04 21:22:24
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Remote Address:

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Message 2/8             20-Mar-04  @  10:18 PM   -   RE: uploading mixes



Link?: Link

File?:  No file

and thanks for the longer song-titles promised (?) a month ago.

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Message 3/8             22-Mar-04  @  01:35 PM   -   RE: uploading mixes



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File?:  No file

I dont get it??... i checked it and it works fine - what browser are you using?...

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Message 4/8             22-Mar-04  @  01:40 PM   -   RE: uploading mixes



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File?:  No file

as for the song title length - i bumped it up

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Message 5/8             22-Mar-04  @  03:47 PM   -   RE: uploading mixes



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File?:  No file

what i've been getting at is how they (song-titles) appear in the new-tracks column.
for instance>look at my new song
you do me (sun~filter mix)

the word "mix" gets cut-off and the second title-line (which has the entire line available, spacewise) shows only 3 dots. it just looks like wha?
that second line should be expanded so titles can appear in their full length (at least utilize the second line-space available)..
that's my opinion.
like i say...the real-estate is there....also the know how....i guess it's just a matter of taking the time.

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Message 6/8             23-Mar-04  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: uploading mixes



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File?:  No file

oh that - well that's simply to make sure song titles with odd long or joined words dont screw up the page layout - sadly nothing in html layout rules allows you to define a column width and force it's fixed width no matter what

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Message 7/8             25-Mar-04  @  02:46 AM   -   RE: uploading mixes



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File?:  No file

well...either you take up a career in politics k....or i spreak engrish more cleaerrly.....
but what's funny is.....
that i WAS ACTUALLY ASKING for a very evenly spaced second-row of dots!!!!!
tis a shame...reality>


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Message 8/8             25-Mar-04  @  02:59 AM   -   RE: uploading mixes



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File?:  No file

all humor aside....i just thought it'd be neat if the word "mix"
might appear (for instance) in my song-title.

but life is complicated.

one learns to accept these things.

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