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Subject: Delta users, check this out!

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Original Message 1/12             15-Oct-02  @  07:59 PM   -   Delta users, check this out!



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Interesting artice I stumbled upon about a bug in the M-Audio Delta series drivers. From what I can gather this doesnt effect Cubase/ASIO users but then again surely all apps will be using the WDM driver in one way or another. Knew i should have gone for the ST audio!

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Message 2/12             15-Oct-02  @  08:07 PM   -   RE: Delta users, check this out!



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and it gets worse........

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Message 3/12             15-Oct-02  @  10:12 PM   -   RE: Delta users, check this out!


Posts: 7627

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sorry man. soundcard forum. theres a reason this stuff is there!

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Message 4/12             15-Oct-02  @  11:29 PM   -   RE: Delta users, check this out!


Posts: 5701

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but influx, this IS the soundard forum!

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Message 5/12             15-Oct-02  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: Delta users, check this out!


Posts: 12353

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yeah, that multiple cards thing has a looooooooong shelf-life. But the offset delay problem is newer. odd eh?

However, it should be stressed to any readers that there isnt a problem at all in win98 with using multiple 1010 delta units, my friend in fact runs two delta 1010's in Win98 no worries with Logic Gold. He also has not reported any problems in other areas.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/12             15-Oct-02  @  11:58 PM   -   RE: Delta users, check this out!


Posts: 2890

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lol @ influx. what were you on?

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Message 7/12             16-Oct-02  @  12:17 AM   -   RE: Delta users, check this out!


Posts: 7627

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no fucking wait a minute. someone moved this shit!!!!



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Message 8/12             16-Oct-02  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: Delta users, check this out!


Posts: 4573

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Influx on autopilot.


ok, I'm done now

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Message 9/12             16-Oct-02  @  12:51 AM   -   RE: Delta users, check this out!


Posts: 7627

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nah. keep goin. that shit was FUNNY!

Im pretty sure the thread got moved? 

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Message 10/12             16-Oct-02  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: Delta users, check this out!


Posts: 1128

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Yea, I've found this out over the last 2 days. I've got 3 delta 410's and it happens after about 20 mins. I can solve it buy closing Logic then re-opening it.

It is worrying though after reading the messages in that link you gave. It seems people have been waiting like 6 months for the driver update. I spoke to Richard at Midiman and he was like "well the new drivers could be ready in a day or a month. I can't give you any idea of time scale".

I mean that seems totally unproffesional to me. Their still advertising their products as being multi capable.

This Richard bloke reckons that they will run no problem on Windows ME but I don't want to have to re-install ME. XP feels so much more solid.

ALot of companies in this industry are really very SHIT!!!

I don't need this bloody hassle. I just wanna make music without all these problems. Huff, bloody puff!!!!

drop :-(

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