aaa Christmas gift ;-) - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Christmas gift ;-)

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Original Message 1/13             26-Dec-02  @  11:28 AM     Edit: 26-Dec-02  |  11:29 AM   -   Christmas gift ;-)


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I made this small VSTi a while ago, enjoy and Happy Holidays!  

late X-MAS gift

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Message 2/13             26-Dec-02  @  02:25 PM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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wott, no description of any kind??? nice of you, but i aint installing any .dll untill i know its not gonna make my ES2 look like on that picture!  

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Message 3/13             26-Dec-02  @  04:45 PM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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Nope, it's just a basic synth with a phase mod. oscillator, plus some controls to mix between two signal shapers, and a filter. Phase modulation can be controlled by lfo, velocity and an adsr envelope generator and there is a knob to add a little delay between the left and right channels, to make it sound spacious.

And of course it could generate some "lethal frequencies" if you play it loud enough and twist the knobs in an unapropriate way...  

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Message 4/13             26-Dec-02  @  05:08 PM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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oh cool. might be just what i wanted for x-mas after all!   will let you know how i get on with it!

cheers, m.

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Message 5/13             26-Dec-02  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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cheers Ragnarök !! - and Merry Christmas!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/13             28-Dec-02  @  03:20 PM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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hey Ragnarok, i just installed your synth! very nice design, clear and and easy to see whats what. unfortunately, i know nothing about using phase mod. or shapers. can you throw in a short explanation or point me towards a document which deal with these things? i might just have a use for it.

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Message 7/13             30-Dec-02  @  03:57 PM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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Hi Milan,

Damn. I checked it again and it seems that what I used was called phase distortion synthesis, not phase modulation synthesis, sorry...

Anyway, some detailed information about phase distortion oscillators:

To my understanding the Phase Dist Osc mixes together 2 preselected waveforms (Wave 1 and Wave2) and morphs between the result and a pure sine wave according to the "Modulation Depth" parameter. (Which can be controlled by LFO and/or Envelope and/or Velocity in Harvester).

The wave shaper distorts the signal by a transfer function which is defined graphically. For a certain input level on the horizontal axis there is one certain output level on the vertical axis.
Acts like a table which tells for each input level, what is the output level.

(I tried to illustrate how it works on the picture with a setting that produce basic clipping distortion)

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Message 8/13             09-Jan-03  @  11:56 AM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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Dude, that ain't phase distortion?
Distorting the phase of a sine wave so it becomes a square wave....would be difficut...I think your thinking about harmonic distortion?

Distorting the phase of a signal doesn't change the sound much, especially if it is above 500Hz. I do reckon it does make a difference in the bass tho'.

If you distort the phase then mix it back into the original signal it becomes a filter system.

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Message 9/13             09-Jan-03  @  12:34 PM     Edit: 09-Jan-03  |  12:38 PM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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I'm not expert of these areas, but what I understood from the stuff on that link is that the sine wave's phase is being distorted in a periodic way. So a "normal" sine is generated like this:

U(t) = Umax * SIN( alpha(t) ) where alpha increases in a linear way as time (t) goes.

My understanding is that if we modulate the alpha parameter then we can generate different waveforms with the same SIN function.

For example:
U(t) = Umax * SIN ( f(t) )

where f(t):

1 if alpha(t) < PI/2 + n*2PI

0 if alpha(t) > 3*PI/2 + n*2PI

n = 0,1,2,3.....

This should generate a square, but I haven't been into mathematics since... ehh, somehow I have the feeling that I wouldn't pass a math exam any more  

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Message 10/13             09-Jan-03  @  12:40 PM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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not even an english exam  

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Message 11/13             10-Jan-03  @  12:36 AM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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Ah...I see now, like FM synthesis.

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Message 12/13             10-Jan-03  @  09:06 AM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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yeah, like FM, however with FM the modulator signal could have different frequencies than the modulated.

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Message 13/13             11-Jan-03  @  02:34 PM   -   RE: Christmas gift ;-)


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Same with PM synthesis, changing the phase changes the frequency too. "Its all inter-related". Also remember a square wave is infact the sum of a sine with all the odd harmonics.

I was thinking about that picture you have above the other day, interesting way of looking at synthesis.

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