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Subject: PC part Prices.. part 2.. EuroHedz?

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Oct-02  @  11:55 AM     Edit: 03-Oct-02  |  11:56 AM   -   PC part Prices.. part 2.. EuroHedz?


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What do folks our side of the pond use?

I've started ordering from a danish outfit

Who seem quite cheap.. Athlon XP2100+ Coolermaster "Quiet" fan, £107 inc Shipping!!!

They even got a webcam showing the dude packing your order! What's up wit dat? Big brother watching you or something?!?! aren't bad either....

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Message 11/14             03-Oct-02  @  04:44 PM   -   RE: PC part Prices.. part 2.. EuroHedz?


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true... the cooler you choose is alot more too i expect.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 12/14             08-Oct-02  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: PC part Prices.. part 2.. EuroHedz?

Mike Goldberg

Posts: 44

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holy shit! 17% tax!!!

thank god for the 6% sales tax here in the states!

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Message 13/14             08-Oct-02  @  09:51 AM   -   RE: PC part Prices.. part 2.. EuroHedz?

Purple Haze


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Hmmm... it's 21% here in Belgium so be happy!!!

For the Belgian people: check out They have very good prices if you order through their website but generally have to wait about 1 week before your order is ready for pickup (they also do COD if you want).

By the way... I ordered a gigabyte ga-7vrx with an xp2000 and it works no-problemo with my delta/66. It's even bloody ing fast. I also got a zalman cpu cooler, which is really (oh thank you god) very quiet when in silent mode.

Big plus for people without midi interface or soundcard is that the ga-7vrx has a midi port and soundcard (even with s/pdif possibility) built in. But I disabled both because I don't need them.

Now I just need to find a new good, dual vga-card, preferable one without a cooler or a very quiet one. Any suggestions ?

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Message 14/14             08-Oct-02  @  11:30 AM   -   RE: PC part Prices.. part 2.. EuroHedz?


Posts: 1584

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I thought the G550s just had a heatsink on 'em and no fan.. :-) They're dual head..

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