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Subject: give me some props

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Original Message                 Date: 05-Oct-02  @  01:22 AM   -   give me some props


Posts: 6231

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give me some props now you know i fucken deserve it, most be livin w/o having a fucken purpose, ill rated sumpin sumpin et c.

no, seriously here, (okay, forget it) this is the first one with presets (albeit 4.. but i had to copy all the numeric values onto paper to do it, took hours..) make your own breaks. do you see what i'm getting at here? cmawwwn, let's bust those frontiers open, eh?

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Message 11/15             06-Oct-02  @  07:43 PM   -   RE: give me some props


Posts: 2890

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xoxos softsynth competition anyone?

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Message 12/15             06-Oct-02  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: give me some props


Posts: 4573

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no way. I'm stickin' to music.

Another thing. seems to me that when v. sens. is totally down, you should have full volume from the synth. As you turn up v.sens. the volume should be attenuated to accommodate greater dynamics. At least that's how it is in most synths I've used. I guess this isn't as important in SW as on a HW synth where gain staging is a consideration for minimizing noise. Ah fuggit nevermind, I'm just having fun with this thing.


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Message 13/15             06-Oct-02  @  08:33 PM   -   RE: give me some props


Posts: 6231

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v. sens increases the range around a median, which is okay for me   okay, you noticed..

i reckon the tone's pretty close.. ie. to a sample or a recording of a single hit.. the weakest aspect to me is the linearity of the amp decay. well i say this.. a mother's love.

actually, i am competing with samples.. no pretensions that my ears are a substitute for top analysis studios.. but i think we're getting a lot closer to realistically-employable performance emulation synthesis like this with 1+g processors.

hey beds my manager just got back from 3 weeks in cardiff.. says they thought all the pubs were named 'brains' for a while there.. bit odd, really, all the way from tucson to cardiff. i swear it's a conspiracy.

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Message 14/15             07-Oct-02  @  12:05 AM   -   RE: give me some props


Posts: 6231

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JIZOOSE FICKUNG CRIOPS - this latest release of synthedit has fixed the shit!! now songs in logic 4.0 load with the same patch and you do't have to do that little thing! it used to take me 10 minutes to open a track! now.. bloioioing!!

how cool. no one else uses logic 4.0 do they.

off to recompile/reupload stuff..

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Message 15/15             07-Oct-02  @  10:42 PM   -   RE: give me some props


Posts: 12353

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i think we all on V5.xx mate...


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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