aaa Why would anyone want anything but E-MU APS!? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Why would anyone want anything but E-MU APS!?

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Jan-99  @  12:32 AM   -   Why would anyone want anything but E-MU APS!?


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That's what I wonder...

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Message 11/16             29-Jan-99  @  10:08 AM   -   RE: Why would anyone want anything but E-MU APS!?


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I'm not sure what you mean by "synthesis power of APS". It is as you know a sampler. So this works in much the same way as recording a sound on a tape. And then you play the tape with various speeds in order to get the sound in various pitches. Except that this is all done digitally. APS in it self doesn't do anything else to the sound but change the sounds envelope, loop points, effects and things like that at the request from the user.

Some pro sounds do have some synthetic waves mixed into their samples on order to get better dynamics or for other reasons. But this is done by the people who make the souds. Some Module Mania sounds from E-MU are made using this technique with great resaults. If you want a clean guitar sound you record it clean. It is as simple as that.

Or did I misunderstand you.


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Message 12/16             29-Jan-99  @  11:14 PM   -   RE: Why would anyone want anything but E-MU APS!?


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My point is that samples played dry without say the ADSR don't sound very realistic. For instance a piano that dies as soon as the key isn't depressed sounds wrong as some realease is needed to give it the right flavour. Of course SoundFont has this feature but with Ed!son you can basically start with a very short saw wave sample and then you have all of the other synth features to shape the sound in a very dramatic way. It would seem that the more that the actual synth features that are added, the better the sound because as we all know, once that loop takes over there's nowhere for the sound to go. These are the features that I'm curious if the APS has.Dale

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Message 13/16             31-Jan-99  @  11:00 AM   -   RE: Why would anyone want anything but E-MU APS!?



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APS has most of the synthesis features of the EMU e4 samplers and the vienna lets you set up modulation routings like 'cords' on eos4.

but (and the reason I don't have an APS)

the filters are the same as on my AWE sound card (worse apparently)
just a simple lowpass (with resonance) filter.

Apparently the thing is going to include more outputs and a software upgrade at a later stage - hopefully including better filters.

Even akais have a good range of filters these days...

Oh, and the thing is locked to 48khz digital output beacuse of the codec so you have to go through a sample rate conversion stage - seems a stupid design decision.

From the "real" APS faq  

Q: Realistically, why would anyone (in the studio) want an E4 sampler etc. if the APS had the cool filters and the 44.1/48 bitrates

A: They wouldn't - so we build the misfeatures into the product so that the APS remains a 'semi-pro' tool.


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Message 14/16             31-Jan-99  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: Why would anyone want anything but E-MU APS!?


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Well I can tell you that the Terratec has 24oct filters and they sound pretty cool. Also a neat feature is that they make control change 71 and 74 resonance and filter cutoff, which is normally accessed via NRPN. Dale

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Message 15/16             10-Feb-99  @  02:35 AM   -   RE: Why would anyone want anything but E-MU APS!?



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I'd love to hear the APS samples.I just bought the sound
card and loaded some of the sf2fonts into the bank
manager.....ALAS! the onscreen keyboard is silent.
How does a rookie get this thing to produce?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Message 16/16             17-Feb-99  @  06:18 PM   -   Why would anyone want THE E-MU APS!? :-))



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Hi guys.

just a short one ..... i bought the SBlive value a few weeks ago. i use it as a sampler.
basicly i didnt think that all the extra options of the APS worth an extra 400$ :-))
i use it as a sampler and thought that its effects will be ok too.
so as a sampler its preaty good (not pro .... but i'm not a pro musician so we get along just fine).
now the effects was another story .... with all the talking here about the APS's EMU10k chip u would think that its a baby Lexicon or something.
i found the effects ... and the reverb too, to be rough. the reverb when u try to boost it starts to distort the sound in a VERY un plesent way.
i changed to the original APS drivers and still the same thing ....... even worse.
if someone thinks that i'm talking about AD/DA noise then i'm not. i use the spdif out!
its simply not strong enough chip to make so much effects in one time.

that was my general feeling .. i didnt post any thing about it cause i thought ppl here will strat to "eat" me alive :-))

now .... 4 days ago i bought the SW1000xg.
lets leave a side the" sampler vs synth" thing ....... i wont even mention the 12 track HARDWARE mixer....... nor the sonic AD/DA quality.
lets talk simply ..Effects.
everybody knows that reverbs r the hardest effects in relation to DSP cycles.
now i dont care how much MIPS gives the EMU10k chip .. it just sounds bad.
the reverbs of the SW1000xg r simply PRO LEVEL in any aspect. u can compare them to WAVES plug ins or DSPFX plug ins without even thinking twice ( i used both)
further more ... the veriaty of the variation effect bus and the 2 insertion buses gives u so meny effects .... i didnt even try 20% of them yet .. but as a guitar player i did try the distotions and the AMP simulator. lets start by saying that it wont replace my Digitech2120 valve pre AMP.
but as an extra palet of guitar sounds they r simply GOOD. if u r a beginer guitarist then it will be a real treat for your ears.
i used the delays and the AURAL exiter too ..... superb.
i learned one thing from that .. its not the quantity ... its the quality.
sure ... 16 effects in the same time sounds great ... but thats just quantity :-))

as i always say .. dont listaen to ADS or friends....listen to your ears.

p.s. APS=500$ SW1000xg=550$ .. so "Why would anyone want THE E-MU APS!? :-))"

Amit (and i thought i could make it short)

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