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Subject: Gratuitous benchmarking?

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Original Message 1/2             05-Nov-03  @  11:47 PM   -   Gratuitous benchmarking?

The Moujik

Posts: 274

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Noticed this benchmarking test in the new issue of SOS & a combination of jury service-induced boredom and idle curiosity made me try it...

If anyones interested, download the sonartest.bun from the site above.... then just play it & note your CPU load in Sonar. Oh, and make sure you increase your audio latency to above 50 ms.

In the unlikely event anyone cares, and to get the ball rolling, my (ageing) 1 Ghz Athlon w/512 MB Ram & Audiophile 2496 took 35%.

I'd be extra-specially interested in the results of you fellas with your new fangled XP & P4 processors....


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Message 2/2             06-Nov-03  @  06:37 PM   -   RE: Gratuitous benchmarking?


Posts: 3872

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Thanks Moujik. I'll have to give that a shot tonight. I can tell you what my 3DMark gaming benchtest is but I guess that's different.

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