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Subject: noisy cubase

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Original Message 1/2             27-Sep-98  @  07:20 PM   -   noisy cubase


Posts: 5

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I'm trying to learn cubase as the pluggin feature is very attractive. However the function of moving thru windows and selecting editing regions makes allot of noise. I then reloaded Passports mastertracks pro, which BTW I think shits on cubase as far as midi goes. and no noise. If cubase worked with no hassle I'm sure it's the way to go. However I now have a perfect running system with no probs using mastertracks with a terratec ews64xl with the now perfectly running ed!son editor and a vs-1680 which is a really cool machine. Still with faster computers and bug fixes and this great pluggin feature I'd love to know what this annoying problem is with cubase as I'm on both sides of the fence whether to switch to cubase. any clues cubase lovers out there? Dale

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Message 2/2             28-Sep-98  @  01:00 PM   -   RE: noisy cubase



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file


well, could be your graphics card !

What happens when you are running VST with some audio-tracks and move a window?

If there are some dropouts while playing the song (is this the noise you ment?) it could be your graphics card (drivers).

Take a look at the site


There are some information concerning this problem.


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