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Subject: Stable soundcard for amd build?

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Jan-03  @  11:11 PM   -   Stable soundcard for amd build?


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Looking for a stable soundcard w/ 2 analog in/out and possibly spdif. I'm trying to do that budget AMD build k's been writing about. I plan to use sonar or another vst compatible sequencer.

I have read that midiman delta cards had problems with the VIA chipsets - but haven't heard anything about the KT333.

Any suggestions?


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Message 11/37             30-Jan-03  @  08:09 AM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?



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The digi 002 seems to be pretty well thought out. It operates as a basic standalone mixer so that you can work outside the computer and do your arrangement, track midi, etc, using the mixer without going into the computer. I understand the latency issues associated with a native system and I'm not expecting to be able to run live audio into PT LE during tracking.

I've actually pretty much given up on that way of working b/c I've found that I spend more time on the mix when I should be focussing on the initial arrangement, sound choice, rhythms and the like.

Another thing I've found is that with my outboard, really it isn't much, just a mixer and a lexicon mpx-1... what else do I have?? but point is I don't want to be focussing on 'the reverb' the 'the exact delay timing for a certain effect' when I'm tracking midi and working out an idea for a song.

When I'm satisfied with my midi tracks and idea for the song, that's when I want to track it and complete the production.

anyways, back to work.

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Message 12/37             30-Jan-03  @  08:55 AM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?


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makes sense to me

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Message 13/37             30-Jan-03  @  09:54 AM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?


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heh. i just calculated yesterday that if i sell all my gear i'd be just about able to afford a digi002. the question is, why would i stil need it with no gear left? extortionists  

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Message 14/37             30-Jan-03  @  10:23 AM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?


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fack that thing. got a good audio sequencer?

get a good soundcard

you know what? RME digi 96/8. PST or PAD.

$200 if you look. thats what I paid

1/4" analog IO. SPDIF IO. ADAT IO. 5.6ms latency at 24bit.

solid. never fouls up.

SCREW digidesign, man

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Message 15/37             30-Jan-03  @  11:12 AM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?


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word up. and where do i plug my active monitors into? if you tell me that i'm off to get an rme right now... i'd still need some kind of mixer, right? and thats kinda what i was trying to circumvent this time around...

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Message 16/37             30-Jan-03  @  05:37 PM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?


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nah milan,

that's the point. It is a mixer. It can operate as a standalone digital mixer. And no influx, I don't have a sequencer. That's a piece of the puzzle that makes the the whole thing make sense to me since the digi 002 comes with a sequencer and plug-ins (which I have don't have either of)

Off to get PC parts to build...

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Message 17/37             30-Jan-03  @  07:46 PM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?


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matt, i KNOW its a mixer. so is the firestiation, in a way. but apart those and few others whats a budged mixerless solution for pc... thats what i want to know

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Message 18/37             30-Jan-03  @  08:33 PM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?


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well you could plug the soundcard outs directly into a pair of active monitors...but then you have an odd situation for monitoring

I use an MAM line mixer with 4 stereo ins,...

but to be honest Im not diggin the fact that theres no seperate headphone control

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Message 19/37             30-Jan-03  @  08:58 PM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?


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yeah, exactly what i thought. so you're none the wiser. WHY dont the h/w manufacturers wake up to this fact! we all need mixerless monitoring i/o solutions nowadays. i guess motu828 and presonus firestation do the job, but firestation is stupid expensive in europe (compared to usa at least), and i dunno if motu works with a pc...

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Message 20/37             30-Jan-03  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: Stable soundcard for amd build?


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motu.... pc.... [shudder]....

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