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Subject: Midex Vs 8x8 Vs M8U

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Original Message 1/4             16-Jun-03  @  12:12 PM   -   Midex Vs 8x8 Vs M8U


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Treated myself to another box of flashing lights and noise mekking capabilities this w/e.. means I gotta ramp up the midi spec in the studio so I'm looking at getting a 1U 8in8out box..

Now I know some dudes have said good things about the Steinberg Midex, also heard postitive things about MAudio's Midiman8x8 and now EgoSys M8U is available..

The midiman8x8 and the Egosys are the same price and seem to offer near identical features. The Midex is £60 more roughly, and has something called LTB (for tightening up midi timing or something) but is this just marketing spiel for something all these USB 8x8 midi interfaces have anyway??

Any help appreciated

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Message 2/4             16-Jun-03  @  02:58 PM   -   RE: Midex Vs 8x8 Vs M8U


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The LTB thing only works when you use it with steinberg software, cubase, nuendo etc.

I've been using the midiman 8x8 for ages, its solid, stable and has never let me down, plus if you don't want to use it via usb, it also has a standard serial port connection. I'd recommend it any day


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Message 3/4             17-Jun-03  @  03:05 AM   -   RE: Midex Vs 8x8 Vs M8U


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I'll second the 8x8. No worries, very solid IMO as well. I have two, one on a serial port and the other on USB and I plan on purchasing a third if that's an indication.

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Message 4/4             17-Jun-03  @  01:19 PM   -   RE: Midex Vs 8x8 Vs M8U



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Went with that and purchased a shiny new 8x8 yesterday...



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