aaa How convert audio file in MIDI???? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: How convert audio file in MIDI????

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/4             11-Jan-99  @  06:06 AM   -   How convert audio file in MIDI????


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I recorded a vocal sound and now i would like to
create this sound file in Midi file for to change
the note of vocal sound. ...this sound file and
much more.
How convert??????? what program use??? i can with

PD: I donīt like insert audio file, i like a midi
file like piano.

EXE: "my sound file" -------> ID 31 "sound"

Help me please!!!!!

Oscar Salgado F.
Thanks an

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Message 2/4             13-Jan-99  @  02:14 AM   -   RE: How convert audio file in MIDI????



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File?:  No file

ah... there is one that can do it.... shit.. which one.... cakewalk 8 or the new Logic i think ?... as for smaller s/wares , I dunno...

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Message 3/4             13-Jan-99  @  02:15 AM   -   RE: How convert audio file in MIDI????



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

in fact i'm sure it was the new Cakewalk 8 Luxury Deluxe that has a bunch of s/w tools with it... check their website out....

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Message 4/4             13-Jan-99  @  05:49 PM   -   RE: How convert audio file in MIDI????



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File?:  No file

.... no, as far as I know you can do this with Logic !

Last year there was a Logic product presentation in Basel/ Switzerland (holladiho... hoo. ho... h ....... umpff...)

I was there and they showed us this feature.... but it only works fine with sipmle wave tracks.

They converted a wave-piano-track to Midi.....


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