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Subject: Help with effects devices

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Original Message 1/5             07-Oct-02  @  04:08 AM   -   Help with effects devices

Linus Stick

Posts: 1

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I don't have any hardware comparisons so if you could answer, be easy on me. I can't figure out how to edit automation of effects devices. For example, I want to apply the chorus/flanger device to part of a drum track, but I can't figure it out. I don't understand the send/recieve parts of it, so I am guessing I need to do something with that. By the way, if that's what it is how is it wired?

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Message 2/5             08-Oct-02  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: Help with effects devices



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$5, same as on the outside.

it's mad easy. perhaps you're on a scouse keyboard or something but it's hard to understand you're question. points for temerity.

to automate the enable/bypass switch of a device X, you need to create a sequencer track controlling device X. then edit the controllers for track controlling device X. the enable/bypass switch is indeed a nice thing to automate. if you just flick them in for a 1/16 note here and there, the cheesy efx sound pretty ok.

avoid milk if you value your life. apparently.

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Message 3/5             08-Oct-02  @  10:25 PM   -   RE: Help with effects devices


Posts: 133

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What Knowa said. X2. Apart from the cheesy FX bit. They're a bit not ok. At all.

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Message 4/5             09-Oct-02  @  03:21 PM   -   RE: Help with effects devices



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there is absolutely nothing wrong with flicking that delay on here and there and that's all there is to it ;P for evertything else, there's mastercard.

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Message 5/5             09-Oct-02  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: Help with effects devices


Posts: 133

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Agreed - Delay is delay is delay...

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