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Subject: echo gina prolems with installing

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Original Message 1/5             11-Oct-02  @  04:59 PM   -   echo gina prolems with installing



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i just bought a echo gina card and the computer tells me that it is "not installed properly please check" ,i have done so again and again but it says that my card is not installed properly please help me and i also need a new connection lead as when moving this has been misplaced >>>>>>>>thanks .

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Message 2/5             11-Oct-02  @  05:33 PM   -   RE: echo gina prolems with installing


Posts: 4573

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Are you using the right installer for your operating system? Some manufacturers make you download an installer for Windows 2000 or XP. Totally guessing here because I don't have that card.


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Message 3/5             11-Oct-02  @  11:06 PM   -   RE: echo gina prolems with installing


Posts: 12353

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hmm if it's win 98.. remove the device -
highlight it in system (in control-panel/system/device manager/sound video & game controllers) - highlight the listed card & select properties. Then DRIVER - then DRIVER FILE DETAILS

make a note of all the files (they will all be in windows/system so just make a list of the filenames

ok close that box and with the card still highlighted in control-panel/system/device manager - delete the card

then power down and physicaly remove the card - then power up and go into windows/inf and find the .inf file for the card (it'll probably be in the OTHER folder, and delete it (that'll stop windows trying to automaticaly install the old driver when you re-boot with the card RE-added.

ok power down and reboot...

go online and download the latest non-beta drivers for your card from the company website - check you have DX required media running on your pc -

to check dx media version on your pc - windows START button - RUN - and type:


'microsft system information' box opens.

select TOOLS menu

(dont have lots of programmes open when you do this) - select: directX diagnostic tool

wait while the panel meter (bottom left) increments as it scans the system)

et Voila! - at the bottom of the panel shows your directX version

it probably should be 8.1 if the gina drivers are recent.

so if you need dx8.1 get it installed..

with correct DX installed:

power down.

put in the card - slot 3 if you have a recent PC.

power up...

windows detects card... if windows asks you wether you want to select your device from a list say yes and choose SOUND VIDEO & GAME CONTROLLERS.... choose HAVE driver and select your Gina .inf file from wherever on your hard-drive you saved the new downloaded drivers.

let it setup & reboot...

try that.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/5             16-Oct-02  @  02:51 AM   -   RE: echo gina prolems with installing


Posts: 42

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also i think you're gonna need to get that lead and connect the breakout box in order for it to recognize properly.

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Message 5/5             16-Oct-02  @  11:03 AM   -   RE: echo gina prolems with installing



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well the card should recognise without the breakout box attatched surely?...

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