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Subject: EZ Bus, yet again...

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Original Message 1/5             15-Oct-02  @  01:17 PM   -   EZ Bus, yet again...


Posts: 5701

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right, two years have passed since someone first asked about it on DT. has anyone heard anything about the damn box in the meantime?

theoretically it looks like a perfect interface for a pc, but does it really work...

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Message 2/5             15-Oct-02  @  04:36 PM   -   RE: EZ Bus, yet again...


Posts: 5701

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lol. as the guy in my local music store just reminded me: "its a usb audio interface, what more do you want to know about it?". tsk tsk...

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Message 3/5             16-Oct-02  @  02:48 AM   -   RE: EZ Bus, yet again...


Posts: 42

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Event really dropped the ball on this one. i think they had all kinds of people lined up waiting to buy an EZbus (me included), but then they delayed, and delayed... and finally everyone gave up waiting and bought something else (echo gina for me).

at this point if i want to add a digital mixer i'll buy a used 01v for the same price.

they make damn nice monitors, tho...

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Message 4/5             16-Oct-02  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: EZ Bus, yet again...


Posts: 5701

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well its echo gina and a promix for me too right now, but i´ve been thinking maybe it could be more compact. i dont really need a full mixer anymore what with mixing being done inside a computer and all.

i´d kinda like something with multiple ins and and outs which would allow me to route signals between my gear, but connects to a pc via a single cable, plus remote control function as a bonus. oh well, i guess i´ll have to wait and see what comes next.

cheers, m.

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Message 5/5             17-Oct-02  @  01:10 PM   -   RE: EZ Bus, yet again...


Posts: 5701

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mmm... Digi002   drooling over this one. unfortunately its bloody expensive, but its exactly what i had in mind.

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