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Subject: audio cards & compatible boards

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Original Message 1/5             23-Jul-03  @  04:27 AM   -   audio cards & compatible boards



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i've been having problems with compatibility issues and i need some help. i have a motu 2408mkii w/ pci-324 card. It has, up until now, been in an ECS k7s5a board (SiS chipset) and working fine. i got a gigabyte GA-7VAXP board, and i get no compatibility (good ol' error code 10). I then got a MOTU 828 card to firewire into the gigabyte, but it wasn't working either. Is it the gigabyte board that's incompatible with MOTU? what equivalent boards are available that are known to work perfectly with the 2408 or 828 cards? any help with this issue would be great. thanks!


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Message 2/5             23-Jul-03  @  06:33 AM   -   RE: audio cards & compatible boards


Posts: 4573

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go to control panel, system, hardware, device manager.

click on the menu "view", "resources by type", then open up "interrupt request"

See if your 324 card is sharing an IRQ with another device. If so, this could mean two things. One, you're running ACPI (which would be indicated under the "computer" heading in the device manager) which shares IRQ's between PCI devices. Or, you're running under "Standard PC" mode, in which case the slot that your MOTU card is in is sharing resources with another PCI slot. If the latter is the case, try moving it to another slot. If the former is the case, look up how to switch to Standard PC mode. I'm too tired to explain it right now.

Of course, this may not be your problem at all. MOTU gear is like this sometimes.


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Message 3/5             23-Jul-03  @  09:55 AM   -   RE: audio cards & compatible boards



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did you DISABLE the onboard audio ?

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Message 4/5             23-Jul-03  @  10:03 AM   -   RE: audio cards & compatible boards



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also, did you add the whole VIA driver package for the chipset and audio fixes etc too? (even if you are NOT using the AC97 onboard)

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Message 5/5             23-Jul-03  @  05:51 PM   -   RE: audio cards & compatible boards


Posts: 2

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yeah, i naturally get all the newest drivers first, every time. motu's newest, via's newest 4in1. i disable onboard sound in the bios the first time i turn on the computer. does anyone know of any instances where the ga-7vaxp/motu2408 combo actually works?

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