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Subject: logic fx send

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Original Message 1/5             28-Feb-03  @  12:15 AM   -   logic fx send


Posts: 2890

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well, hello to the dwindling masses. here's a little thing about logic fx sends, it's quite boring but it's made quite a difference.

fx sends are PRE pan.

if you got a stereo reverb set up on a buss and you use the channel pan to place your signal then send some signal to the reverb, the reverb will recieve a centered signal.

is that clear? - even if you pan your signal with the channel pan, the send will give the buss a non-panned signal.

still not clear? even if you pan your hihat to the left and give it some stereo reverb, the reverb will think the hihat is in the middle.

still not clear? oh fuck it.  

if you're tyring to create width and depth in your mix using pan and reverb, it's quite crucial.

good news is - use a dirmixer (or gainer) INSERT on the channel to pan your signal and all will be well, the reverb will recieve a panned signal, because the pan insert will be PRE send.

there, told you it was boring   thanks to milan and psy for the heated debate that sorted this one out.

p.s. width and depth in a mix are well good things to have innit. it's all well and good panning things left or right, but you gotta think about back and front too, and stereo input reverbs (as well as eq and panning) can give you all the girth and movement she/he needs. ;)

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Message 2/5             28-Feb-03  @  12:20 AM   -   RE: logic fx send

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Could be useful! As you seem to know about signal flow, Bedwyr, can you tell me how the signal flows through several sends? For example: If I have a delay on send1 and a verb on send2, will the reverb receive the signal with delay applied? Or will the dry signal be sent to both reverb and delay?

Something that has always troubled me, but never created enough insentive (when I am in the middle of a production) to test it.



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Message 3/5             28-Feb-03  @  12:41 AM     Edit: 28-Feb-03  |  12:43 AM   -   RE: logic fx send


Posts: 2890

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"will the reverb receive the signal with delay applied?" - no

each send is seperate. if you want your delay to receive reverb as well you need to send the delayed signal to the reverb by routing the output of your delay buss to the reverb buss or by using an AUX object with it's input selected from the delay bus and sending some of that to the reverb buss.

remember to set the aux object to no output or do the aux send pre fade and turn the aux fader down.

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Message 4/5             28-Feb-03  @  01:26 AM   -   RE: logic fx send


Posts: 133

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Message 5/5             28-Feb-03  @  11:32 AM   -   RE: logic fx send

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Coolio. Cheers Bedwyr  


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