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Original Message 1/5             05-Feb-03  @  10:26 PM   -   FRUITY LOOPS HELP!



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i am used to Cubase but recently had a go on fruity loops 3.4 and knocked a bit of a track up useing that playlist thing . everytime i try to export the whole song as a wav file it only seems to export whatever loop i have selected. What am i doing wrong? i hope i dont have to export each loop seperately and put them together on another sequencer cause i like the track the way it is and that would put me off fruity loops which i was just starting to enjoy.

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Message 2/5             06-Feb-03  @  09:33 AM   -   RE: FRUITY LOOPS HELP!


Posts: 178

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File?:  No file

Make sure "Song" is checked and not "Pattern when you export the file. If you've written the track in the playlist, how are you listening to it if you haven't got "song" checked anyway?


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Message 3/5             06-Feb-03  @  09:57 AM   -   RE: FRUITY LOOPS HELP!

Fruity newbie


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File?:  No file

I HAVE got song instead of part checked this is what i cant understand, so it is possible to export the whole composition then?

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Message 4/5             06-Feb-03  @  08:55 PM   -   RE: FRUITY LOOPS HELP!


Posts: 4573

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File?:  No file

do you have to highlight all the tracks that you want in the export? You do in Sonar, i know...

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Message 5/5             07-Feb-03  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: FRUITY LOOPS HELP!


Posts: 45

Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

I know these may sound basic (or obvious) but could help you if you're overlooking something.. I bet that you're using a LOT of VST Insturments for most of your song except your sample Loop which you keep dumping to WAV alone.)

This is what I do to export from Fruity Loops...

For Wav Exports of Fruity Loop Samples, Drums, non-midi non-VST Instrument events make sure you have all the parts you want to export unmuted and unsolo'd (the green light is lit). It doesn't matter what pattern you do this to. Sometimes I only want to export a piece by piece run down of my track for isolation into my other programs. (If you want just the BD you solo it or mute everything else and export to wav (You'll only get the entire song's worth of BD.) Otherwise make sure everthing you want to export is turned on. Make sure you're in "song" mode and you MUST have a playlist composed. If you have no playlist you will only export the current pattern (Or is it pattern 1??) To ensure you get all of your song I usually add an empty pattern to the very END +2playlist steps of the track as a bit of an export buffer (You can always cut this empty data off in your WAV Editing program later).

Play the track in song mode. If you are hearing the entire song and not just a pattern, you should be able to export the entire song into a WAV file.

If these elements of your track you want to export are from VST instruments and plugins such as FM7, DX10, WASP, etc etc, (I assume this is the case) these elements must be in the Piano Roll events as Step Sequenced Midi Triggered Events Don't get exported. Threw me for a fruity loop the first time too.. There is a way to convert and paste Step Sequenced data to Piano roll automatically(if you right click on your instrument/sample block. Make sure all your midi events for VST instruments are in the Piano Roll! (Until you can figure out what's going on I suggest you convert ALL your event data to Piano Roll.)

I usually select Sync Depth 256 (For Sampler Interpolation Level) and "High Quality for all plugins". It takes a bit of time for a longer song or parts with heavy plugins (The plugin rendering is what takes the extra time.)

If you're trying to export MIDI Data you will have to export a .MID (The Midi notes -- Once again, MUST BE in Piano Roll mode -- so a step sequenced MIDI event will not be exported.)

Hope this help.. Try these tips and do let us know. If you're still having problems, you can email me the fruity file and I'll take a look at it for you and will help you further.



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