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Subject: Serial ATA?

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Original Message 1/6             29-Sep-03  @  08:46 PM   -   Serial ATA?


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well fuck me Im behind the times?

I just put together two boxes for a couple friends:

Epox 8k9AI
1gig DDR 2700
40 and 80gig 7200 ATA133 drives

so...the stuff comes, and...SERIAL ATA?

I had no fuckin I just went and read about it...

anyone using this format? is it faster? better? Hell...the neatnik in me likes the smaller cabling for SURE!

so what gives?

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Message 2/6             29-Sep-03  @  08:58 PM   -   RE: Serial ATA?


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well SHIT

had just ordered some new stuff to boost my studio PC a processor and a new stick of RAM, but...

this serial ATA is 150mb/sec...and the shit doesnt cost any more. For some reason I thought it would be more expensive

oh well. fuck it. Ill build a new one in 6 months

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Message 3/6             29-Sep-03  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: Serial ATA?



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I've been keeping an eye on this for a while now. Looks sweet and your right the prices are inline with ide drives I always like to wait a little while before buying new technology...give em some time to work out the bugs. Now that it's getting more common I might go that route with my next upgrade.....................untill then influx you could always satify the "neatnik" in you with some round IDE cables. I hear the glow in the dark ones make your computer much faster ! ;)

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Message 4/6             29-Sep-03  @  09:31 PM   -   RE: Serial ATA?


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yeah. round ata is actually what I put in the other guys computers

thing is...with the way those fucking things are set up...with only a small space between got kinda clunky and we had to buy longer cables, so it ended up lookin fuckin weird

prolly shoulda got the glow in the dark ones tho, dammit

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Message 5/6             17-Oct-03  @  11:09 PM   -   RE: Serial ATA?



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I'm planning a new PC sometime next year when the new Intel motherboards come out. Been looking at the ATA drive options.... still not sure I want to ditch my SCSI drive.

Anyone know how it compares ?

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Message 6/6             17-Oct-03  @  11:16 PM   -   RE: Serial ATA?


Posts: 7627

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word has it that ata133 is damn close or faster in some situations, and with the cost difference on new parts the decision gets made for you!

btw...I just went from a scsi7200 HD to an ata100 in my own system, and actually saw a general improvement in all around performance, not to mention one less IRQ in use

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