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Subject: caviar hd repair

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Original Message 1/7             25-Feb-03  @  12:33 PM   -   caviar hd repair


Posts: 5701

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hi all. i got this 20gb WD Caviar drive from a video production company to have a look and see if i can do anything about it.

situation as follows: allegedly the drive wasnt inserted properly into its removable cradle while starting up the pc or something like that, and now it is unreadable from windows. it is however recognised by bios. WD diagnostics disk tells me following:

"data in dos boot record does not match data in partition entry"

so it looks like a MBR repair or partition table repair job? or something else?

if you have any ideas please step forward, it'd be nice if i could get it working again!

thanks, m.

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Message 2/7             25-Feb-03  @  01:17 PM   -   RE: caviar hd repair


Posts: 165

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You could try a low level format. WD use some custom software that runs from a floppy, so if that can detect the disk, you could try following these steps...

Hopefully that link will work!

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Message 3/7             25-Feb-03  @  01:17 PM   -   RE: caviar hd repair


Posts: 165

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Okay, don't use the clickable link cos that goes somewhere completely different. Just copy the longer link into your browser

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Message 4/7             25-Feb-03  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: caviar hd repair


Posts: 5701

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thanks, thats not what i'm looking for though. tools wont even run (because of the message mentioned above), and owners would like to see the data rescued if anyhow possible. still, thanks for the reply Si!

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Message 5/7             25-Feb-03  @  05:06 PM   -   RE: caviar hd repair


Posts: 165

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I did see another thing on that site about transferring data from one corrupt disk to another good one - if that's any good to you I'll check it out, though if the tools won't see it then it's unlikely that it'll work at all.

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Message 6/7             25-Feb-03  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: caviar hd repair


Posts: 2707

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have you tried fdisk /mbr - this will rewrite tyhe master boot record of the drive.


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Message 7/7             25-Feb-03  @  06:27 PM   -   RE: caviar hd repair


Posts: 5701

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not yet. i'm takig it to a friends place tonight so we'll see if we can majick something up   tanks for the tips guys.

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