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Original Message 1/8             12-Jan-99  @  11:03 PM   -   DSP FACTORY PROBLEMS



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installed yamaha ds2416 (dsp factory) - tests ok
installed cd factory, sound forge xp, w/plug n play scsi card
can't get audio into sound forge going dig into ds2416

anyone got any ideas?

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Message 2/8             16-Jan-99  @  11:52 AM   -   RE: DSP FACTORY PROBLEMS

Purple Haze


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Not really to be honest, but please keep us informed on any bugs on the hard or software and how you like it in general.

I'm looking on buying a decent soundcard myself, and up untill now the only ones left I haven't heard lots of shit about are the gadget labs wav/4 and wav/8 and the yammy dsp factory, but then that's maybe because I haven't heard anything from people who are really using these and not just reviewing them.

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Message 3/8             16-Jan-99  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: DSP FACTORY PROBLEMS



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my friend is a dealer of yamaha. we tried the new DSPfactory in his shop.
it simply didnt work with any prgram what so ever. err this and err that.
we managed to make it work for a minute with LogicAudio 3.6 but that was it.
samplitude?? no go.
oh yea ... to make Logic to work with it we had to kill the DX plugz and use just DSP effects.
not even Logic native soft effects could run with the card.
C Onsole ?? go. and that was the demo that came on the card's CD. not a cracked progie.

i dont know if its a probem with the demo card he has or just software companies having hard time to use the yamaha's API.

waited so long for this card .... nad now i want to cry like a baby :-\

p.s. SW1000xg has an amazing audio sound. :-)) and it works.!! so maybe there is hope. :-)


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Message 4/8             19-Jan-99  @  09:28 PM   -   RE: DSP FACTORY PROBLEMS


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I've got it working OK with Cubase VST/24.
However, the midi synch when slaved to s SW1000XG is unreliable. I'm looking for new drivers for the SW1000XG but I can't find any. Any help??


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Message 5/8             21-Jan-99  @  04:17 PM   -   RE: DSP FACTORY PROBLEMS



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go to its yamaha's site for the SW1000xg.

do u use the VST mixer? or the DSP mixer?


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Message 6/8             24-Jan-99  @  04:36 PM   -   RE: DSP FACTORY PROBLEMS

Purple Haze


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I've been wondering...

The yamaha dsp thing claims to do 24 tracks at 24 bit/96Khz, right ? So if you use them all, it would mean your system has to be able to get 96000*3(3 bytes = 24 bits)*24 (=about 7 meg) bytes per second from your hd and send em all over the pci bus. Is this actually possible ? It would mean the software has to get this from 24 files (one file per track?), or at least different locations within the same file, so your hd's head will be moving all the time, and can the pci bus cope with this amount of data put through it ? I know the effects and mixing are done by the card itself, but your system still needs to feed it it's data...

What kind of a system would you need for this ?

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Message 7/8             29-Jan-99  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: DSP FACTORY PROBLEMS



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basicly its all just virtual specs.
no desktop machine can work under that stress.
the card was duilt with the ability to be competative in the future too.

any way ... about my posting that the DSP didnt work with most software suits.
i found the problem at my dealers shop. his motherboard gives only 3.5v to some PCI slots.
it looks like not all boards give the full 5v spec to all PCI slots.

i'll have to check the card again before i'll spend the $800 :-))


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Message 8/8             14-Feb-99  @  06:05 AM   -   RE: DSP FACTORY PROBLEMS



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I got new DSP/SW1000XG drivers from Yamaha and DSP factory works fine noe. email


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