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Subject: effects on vst instruments

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Original Message 1/8             19-Jan-03  @  01:21 AM   -   effects on vst instruments


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just started playing around with sx and i can't figure out how to add an effect onto a vst instrument, like reverb on battery drums. it only seems to allow you to use midi effects on midi instruments and audio effects on audio tracks, though if i put reverb in the master effects it will add the reverb to my battery track. and i can't find anything about it in the literature.
thanks all!

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Message 2/8             19-Jan-03  @  05:09 AM   -   RE: effects on vst instruments


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you need to open the mixer and have it show the VST instrument tracks

NOT just the midi tracks, but the instrument tracks, which are audio tracks...

you can use audio plugs on those..inserts, sends..whatever.

now go read the manual

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Message 3/8             19-Jan-03  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: effects on vst instruments


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maunuals are for babies. just kidding, thanks found it in there finally!

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Message 4/8             19-Jan-03  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: effects on vst instruments


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I mean manuals

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Message 5/8             19-Jan-03  @  07:14 PM   -   RE: effects on vst instruments


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no. manuals are for people who truly want to learn how to use things efficiently.

Im guessing you have a crack, but even then...its just a good idea to read the manual instead of thinkin "well, someone will tell me"


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Message 6/8             20-Jan-03  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: effects on vst instruments


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Remember, you won't be able to "RENDER" (Offline) FX to VSTInstrument audio tracks however...

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Message 7/8             20-Jan-03  @  07:39 PM   -   RE: effects on vst instruments


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oh..right..process in place type thing

but you can just export as mixdown and have the track automatically placed in the project

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Message 8/8             21-Jan-03  @  08:16 AM   -   RE: effects on vst instruments


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I was reading the manual, I just had an inpatient moment.

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