aaa NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!! - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!

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Original Message 1/9             26-Mar-98  @  05:55 PM   -   NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!



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ok...on the phone to yamaha now.......ring ring.... hello... etc.....

ok.....we have the tech man at last.....


it's a pci busmaster card occupying a single slot on your has 2 analog inputs & 2 analog outs + s/pdif/coax..... the coax digital goes up to 24bit but can suppoort 16 bit s/pdif

onboard the card.... is 5 VLSI chips from the O2R mixer........ !!!!!..... the card is supported by Steinberg, Cakewalk, Logic, SECK'D-samplitude, etc etc.... basically by the time of release in July , all the major s/w houses will have driver support....

Now, the card supports 16 internal virtual audio tracks..... + 8 external simultaneously......a total of 24 tracks/busses...all with eq, and fx.... so for example.... in VST......lets say you have 8 audio mono tracks playing back, with or without midi......or any combination of mono/stereo tracks up to 16 total channels (with one card)......

when you go to the VST monitor/mixer section and pull up the 4 band prametric eq., it is actually adressing the eq on the onboard dsp chips on the card..... so the card keeps the 16 mono busses seperate and you can add eq which is processed by the cards dsp mixer chips !!!..... NOt only that... but also the fx are the same..... pull up a VST fx rack, and hey presto.... the fx on the card are listed... and can be applied and edited from VST fx rack panel !!!........ shit !!!....... so ALL your eq, fader, pan and fx are all coming from the cards dsp chips.....

Finally you can sum the individual channels to any of the stereo outs on the card, digital or analog for a total onboard digital-domain mix !!...... you have 16 busses inside the pc routed to the cards dsp chips and then out to a final stereo mix vai digital or stereo analog outs.......but also....


you then add the AX- 44 converter unit/s.....these are a 4 analog in - 4 analog out box that sits in a drivebay on your pc with rca connectors....the card supports up to 2 AX-44 units to give 8 analog In & OUT..!!!..... and check it out....... you can have the 16 pc audio tracks playing thru the card... and blend with it up to 8 incoming seperate channels from up to 2 AX-44 units..... a total of 24 channels...16 inside the pc allocated to audio tracks..... and up to 8 external incoming audio channels routed in via the external inputs...... so.....

you can mix the incoming external inputs.....2 (from card) - 4 (from one AX unit) - or 8 ( from 2 AX units) with the pc audio tracks..... and the cards dsp chips keep the 24 channels seperated on 24 internal busses....... full 4 band eq, fade, pan and fx can be added to internal and external sounds via s/w......and check it out...... EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL HAS compressor or whatever inserted fx as well as the 4 aux send fx busses from the VST mixer !!!.......

the whole lot is then routed to either digital out for a direct to digital mix, or you can route incoming channels and the pc audio to any of the 8 analog outs (or 2 with just the card)... or 4 with one AX unit)......... facking hell !!!!!!!..........

there is no RRP..... but yamaha are going to clean up with this one I reckon.,.... for 2 reasons...... 1. they never release bugged or flawed products in my experience...... 2. what can touch this ??..... cos you are getting 24 channels of full mixing, fx and everything via one card.... so your pc cpu does NONE of the work except controllimnh the set-up parameters of the card..... !!!

price.......??....... well, no commitment from Yamaha for price.... but expected to be around 600 uk sterling/dollars..... with the 4 channel AX units at around the 250 - 299 mark..... awesome !!!!!!!

Finally.... as if that wasnt enuff...... yes.... you can add another card to the pc... and with the addition of 2 AX-44 units, you get..... oh dear......48 channles of audio....... 32 from s/w audio.....and 16 incoming !!!!!!!.......... bloody hell !!!!!!!

I'll just wipe up the drool now........ I've added a page in the Soundcard list.....c'ya

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Message 2/9             06-Apr-98  @  10:20 PM   -   RE: NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!



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F**K ME !!!!

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Message 3/9             07-Apr-98  @  01:46 PM   -   RE: NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!



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For that..... please go to the "RANT DRIVEL & SLAGGING" area.......

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Message 4/9             08-Apr-98  @  01:29 PM   -   RE: NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!



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Say Kilo, what are the computer requirements? (hoping my
becomming feeble 133 Pentium could handle this card as it sounds like the card does most of the work).

And also, if I get a CD burner can the card go straight to it? Sorry, I don't know how they interface.

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Message 5/9             08-Apr-98  @  06:38 PM   -   RE: NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!



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nope......... the cd burner will be on a scsi connector...... anyway..... it's not the card that your pc has to handle.... it's the s/w....... I reckon you should go for an upgrade if you want to run one of the newer s/w's that can support multi-out cards...... so if poss, get a P2 base unit with M'board & chip... plus about 64 mb s-dram..... then swap over your graphics, cd, soundcard (current)... drives, etc etc.... it should instal them all as you boot... (it'll take several boots to install all the bitz).... make sure you have all the drivers......alternatively... get an AMD 233 or a P200 or 233 mmx..... or bump the processor up to a 166 or 200 if it'll go that high........ it should just be able to handle it with a 166... but get alot of ram... at least 64mb.....

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Message 6/9             29-Apr-98  @  12:51 AM   -   RE: NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!



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Anyone hear of the SW1000XG? It makes the DSP look like a toy...
I can feel my wallet screaming already.

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Message 7/9             30-Apr-98  @  04:32 PM   -   RE: NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!



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YAMAHA are going balistic!! They're going to give PC recording a HUGE shot in the arm. I wouldn't use the SW1000XG by itself though, but coupled with the DSP system.... its going to be AWSOME.


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Message 8/9             21-May-98  @  10:08 PM   -   RE: NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!



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if i start recording tracks with only the ds2416...i can only record one track (using a microphone) at a time? because there is only 1 mic input, right? But if i add the ax44 i get 2 extra mic inputs I can record 3 tracks(using microphone) at a time ?

now with both ds2416 and ax44....i can keep recording 3 tracks (using the mic inputs) until i reach a total of 24 ? While recording can i adjust the reverb, delay, chorus, pan etc.....or can i just adjust the effects after im done recording....Is it possible to undo changes done with the effects of the tracks ?

What s/w program comes with the ds2416?
If i want midi i need the sw1000xg?

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Message 9/9             22-May-98  @  04:40 AM   -   RE: NEW YAMAHA DSP-1624..... MASSIVE !!!



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theoretically... you can have up to 8 incoming channels.with one dsp1624 card and 2 modules....... now.. i dont remeber how many inputs of each module have mic amps... but is this relevent... i dunno if i'd trust a mic amp on a soundcard...... a small mixer with 4 or 8 subgroups would be needed for more mic ins if you did go with the built in ones....

now the asio drivers are for that purpose... to monitor "Off-Tape".. thru the vst fx with minimal delay.... so we still have no Gina asio's after all this time.... will yamaha do it i wonder ?
the vst fx are realtime... I'm not sure if it can actually record the fx as it records... that'd be an extra facility if it could.... especially with compression and inset fx that 'd be wanted... so i guess it'd be pointless if it couldnt....

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