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Subject: Radar Beams!

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Original Message 1/10             06-Sep-03  @  12:06 AM   -   Radar Beams!


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ello, uploaded another one. Think it has quite a nice bite... my neighbours three houses down thought so   Anyway, comments much appreciated.


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Message 2/10             06-Sep-03  @  03:44 AM   -   RE: Radar Beams!



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i'm sorry for ever saying holland. you're definitely of the netherlands!

another nice relaxing tune....well done!!!!


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Message 3/10             06-Sep-03  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: Radar Beams!

Broken Silence


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You successfully scared the shit out of my dog with that crazy vocal intro, and woke up the whole house. Dammit maart.

But aside from that hehe, I listened and liked. Not really my bag, a bit angry for my tastes   But still very cool. The distorted kicks scare me. The only thing I would drop out a bit would be the vocals, they get kinda annoying after a while. But aside from that, you've got an adrenaline rushing, hard pounding, flat out cool track. Even if it isn't my bag.


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Message 4/10             06-Sep-03  @  03:22 PM   -   RE: Radar Beams!


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hmm.. I gotta redo it I guess. Clay, damn you! It shouldnt have a relaxing affect on you- you need to feel uneasy!  
Andrew- You may well be spot on about dropping out the vocal a bit more... I'll record another take tonight see if it works. Anyway- glad I managed to scare some pets today. cheers for taking the time again, -M-

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Message 5/10             08-Sep-03  @  08:34 AM   -   RE: Radar Beams!


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f**k me.... you don't hold back do ya!!

Intense, scary stuff that kick just pounds away like a jack hammer! good thing I'm not stoned yet, coz it would have freaked me out in that state. Damn fine track!


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Message 6/10             08-Sep-03  @  02:50 PM   -   RE: Radar Beams!

Defector z


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I'm getting some REALLY ugly digital clipping. Is that in the track or just me? It doesn't sound like the kind of clipping that is used surruptitiously in a track. It's killing me.

That kick drum is very scary. Perhaps lose a touch of the res on that vocal? It detracts from the rest of the song a little bit.

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Message 7/10             10-Sep-03  @  06:24 PM   -   RE: Radar Beams!


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Thanks G, the kick is passed through a distortion pedal which is tweaked with the limited knobs it has... but the stereo output of my MPC also passes a filter module with distortion with the kick in the background, so I was tweaking that aswell... hoping to keep the stuff alive ;)
If yer talking about the vocal clipping- yeah should limit that yah- but all the other clipping was actually intentional hehe


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Message 8/10             16-Sep-03  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: Radar Beams!


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Message 9/10             16-Sep-03  @  09:41 PM   -   RE: Radar Beams!


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hehe, yeah- like : "DUH!"  

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Message 10/10             17-Sep-03  @  06:38 AM   -   RE: Radar Beams!


Posts: 507

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aaaaaah. Is that a vocal??


Fucking crazy track. So brutal I must smile. Also liked the effects (that filtered, distorted thing). The "vocal" is a bit overshadowing that 303ish lead, and the song loses a bit of energy at the end, but thats all I can criticise. I love this.

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