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Subject: Something From The Answer

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Original Message 1/10             07-Sep-03  @  08:06 PM   -   Something From The Answer

The Answer


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After having taken part in a highly contentious and quite thought provoking DT thread, I thought maybe I ought to upload a track onto the music page.

So, it's my first track on DT and it's called Machine Head. You'll all probably think it's complete and utter shite, but I'd appreciate your comments on it either way.

Tha Answer.

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Message 2/10             07-Sep-03  @  09:54 PM   -   RE: Something From The Answer



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enjoyed aspects of this song....the vibe in general> but you're doing what i'm so-often guilty of and thAT is being unable to decide what you want to do with this track. one of the problems with doing electronic music seems to be the myriad of options at our disposal and that's AT EVERY damned bar and measure. i least liked the most pronounced bass-part earlier on but i liked the various little componenets you throw in. i feel you need to establish a mode and kinda go there for a moment and PUSH it. nothing feels like it's something you feel strong enough to cram in someone's face. even soft music can be firm in what it's intents are.

good basis for a really great track though!!!
simplify...consolidate and establish the real thrust of the piece.

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Message 3/10             07-Sep-03  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: Something From The Answer

The Answer


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Thanks for your comments mcc. I felt instinctively that it wasn't finished, but did think it was worth putting up all the same.

It'll probably need three months thinking about now to decide what to do with it. Which might explain why I can only manage 3/4 tracks a year!

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Message 4/10             08-Sep-03  @  07:10 AM   -   RE: Something From The Answer



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think about it LESS. find your fave parts and extend them...varying them a bit.....and FEEL it.

it's like you experiment and gather all these bits and parts and then>>>use only what truly pushes THE SONG.

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Message 5/10             08-Sep-03  @  08:26 AM   -   RE: Something From The Answer


Posts: 890

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I think there are some good ideas here, but I think there'sto many bits and not enough tune. WHat I mean is you should prolly take out some bits and use whats left. just do some variations on it. But like Clay sez, don't spend too much time pondering it, just go do it!


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Message 6/10             08-Sep-03  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: Something From The Answer

Defector z


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You've got some good ideas going. Lots of them. Found the drums to be a little too vanilla for the melodies on top of them. You obviously spent some time working on the arps, but the rhythms need some attention. The straight 4 on the floor just doesn't fit for some reason.

You definitely need to work on it more. Don't be afraid to shuffle it aside for a few weeks and come back to it. You'll hear something in it that you missed during the composition phase that you may pick up on later. Plus, you'll have time to work on something else.

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Message 7/10             09-Sep-03  @  01:00 AM   -   RE: Something From The Answer

The Answer


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Thanks for all your comments and advice guys. I've taken heed of em and have started reworking it.

Def Z, you're right about the drums, so the 4/4 signature has gone, it's now going to be a pure breaks track.

I've started economising on the meat of the piece, some of it's gone completely.

I've got a pretty good idea of the direction it should go in, so that's what I'm working towards.

Just never worked this quickly on a track before, it's amazing what a bit of advice can do. It would have taken me ages to think my way around it.

Cheers again,
The Answer.

Oh yeah, I'll post the final result up on the music page leter on.

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Message 8/10             10-Sep-03  @  05:55 PM   -   RE: Something From The Answer


Posts: 2082

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I'm with Def on the drums.. feels as if it should be either a bit faster or broken. I like the arps and especially that bongo'ish pattern- nice.

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Message 9/10             10-Sep-03  @  10:55 PM   -   RE: Something From The Answer

Defector z


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Don't confuse 4/4 signature with 4 on the floor. 4/4 is what MOST music is written in - 4 beats with quarter notes receiving the beat. 4 on the floor is your typical bass-snare-bass-snare combo. The 4/4 time signature is fine - that's what all or your melodies are in. Just mix in some breaks, or have your kicks and snare come in off the down beat. Something like that.

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Message 10/10             10-Sep-03  @  11:45 PM   -   RE: Something From The Answer

The Answer


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Aye, Def Z that's what I've been doing. A solid broken beat right through the whole track didn't sound quite right either.

Thanks for your comments Marteen, the arps were a bugger to get right.

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