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Subject: The Bass How does it make you feel

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Original Message 1/10             20-Sep-03  @  06:02 PM   -   The Bass How does it make you feel


Posts: 890

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Hey folks....

Just a snippet of what I'm doung now.... Kinda lazy saturday afternoon vibe, expect the finished track in a few days!

Lemme know what you think



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Message 2/10             21-Sep-03  @  02:17 AM   -   RE: The Bass How does it make you feel



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Kewl man i likey.

the organs not my thing but it fits and i like the way the bass and the drums work together, the mad little vocal snippets are kewl 2.

good stuff man nice n' laid back vibe


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Message 3/10             21-Sep-03  @  03:37 AM   -   RE: The Bass How does it make you feel

Broken Silence


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You know it's not my bag, but everything works and it sounds great!

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Message 4/10             22-Sep-03  @  05:41 AM   -   RE: The Bass How does it make you feel



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i like this much more than your last hip-hop piece. the beat here drives and is way less fiddly. a no-nonsense groove inspiring enough for an all afternoon house-cleaning or a little...huh-huh> yeah...i like this one!

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Message 5/10             22-Sep-03  @  11:03 AM   -   RE: The Bass How does it make you feel


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Thanks for the listens and commenst chaps! Its coming along nicely, shoudl be up in a few days!


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Message 6/10             26-Sep-03  @  11:06 AM   -   RE: The Bass How does it make you feel


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Its up now... four minutes of mellow stuff! Kinda ruff round the edges but thats how I like it..

lemme know what you all think...



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Message 7/10             26-Sep-03  @  01:33 PM   -   RE: The Bass How does it make you feel


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Typing while listening.. The chords at the beginning reminds me of that "sun is shining, the weather is hot" remix :-) Who cares, I like what you do with that organ sound. It's great how it progresses towards the end. Only thing I didn't liked is the vocal sample you added at the end (the one that is played last) because it sounded a bit disharmonic for me with the rest of the stuff.

Kinda careless, lazy, positive vibe with nice tweaks here and there. Nice one!

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Message 8/10             26-Sep-03  @  07:29 PM   -   RE: The Bass How does it make you feel


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Yeah, reminds me of 'that' song with the older guy dancing on the beach (that chord) nice, not really into that organ but mind you, it does somehow fit the track so I'll forgive you for this one hehe... really like the drums. Urges me to do a track again where it doesn't have to bang heh. Bass moves nicely at 3/4 of the track (or has that been happening all along?). Anyway- positive feeling. Damnit.. gotta find me a posting here I can actually critisize :D.

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Message 9/10             28-Sep-03  @  07:30 PM   -   RE: The Bass How does it make you feel


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Thanks Rags, Maarten!

Yeah, Organ is not usually my 1st choice sound, but I do like it sometimes!


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Message 10/10             28-Sep-03  @  09:48 PM   -   RE: The Bass How does it make you feel


Posts: 80

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Hey this is pretty cool.

I liked how the bass faded in.. the only thing was i found it too... 170Hz -ish... (res?)

Anyway... dig the organ! -lol

Great use of fade-ins throughout the song as well (the bass part at the start and the drums at the end).

The only thing I can really critisize (and this is pretty nit-picky) is that every part seems to be trying their hardest to be the loudest.

Maybe i'm just soft  


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