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Subject: Woohoo!!!

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Original Message 1/28             06-Nov-01  @  11:21 PM   -   Woohoo!!!


Posts: 3872

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Who else. But it feels great to have uploaded a track again after a long time. The track is called "910 2 911". The very end of the track is 911. Hope you enjoy it and let me know, if you feel so inclined.

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Message 2/28             07-Nov-01  @  01:12 PM   -   RE: Woohoo!!!



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Great stuff.. very musical, good sounds, one of the best thing I've heard on DT. I love the synth riff that sound like hysterical laughter (well it does on my crappy headphones anyway). My only criticism might be that it's a bit too hectic..could do with thinning out a bit here and there, but I'd like to hear it in hifi before saying that for certain. Give us some more.


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Message 3/28             07-Nov-01  @  07:30 PM   -   RE: Woohoo!!!


Posts: 3872

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Thanks for listening and for your input Deano. It's right on the edge at moments for sure.

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Message 4/28             07-Nov-01  @  10:40 PM   -   RE: Woohoo!!!


Posts: 448

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The intro was difficult for me, but once more parts to the tune kicked in it really started to move me. Those chirpy laughy sounds are cool.

You talked about your classical training in a long-ago thread. Who was it you studied with?

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Message 5/28             07-Nov-01  @  10:50 PM   -   RE: Woohoo!!!


Posts: 2082

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Ordered chaos... yes! Nice stuff sitar.

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Message 6/28             08-Nov-01  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: Woohoo!!!


Posts: 7627

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marianimal..look at the screen name theres your answer

I listened once and I think I missed it. So Ill listen a few more times and come back

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Message 7/28             08-Nov-01  @  12:28 AM   -   RE: Woohoo!!!


Posts: 1076

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tight track that man. Reminded me of voodoo ray for some reason, not that it sounds like it but its sort of on that tip, bouncy vibes sort of thing.

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Message 8/28             08-Nov-01  @  02:08 AM   -   RE: Woohoo!!!


Posts: 3872

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Thanks gents. I studied classical Indian but initially western classical. You know, theory and stuff in school and privately. Funny, I like the intro but that's cuz it's kind of Orbitalesque I think.

Influx, hang in there. You'll get it :P and btw I've listened to Traveller lots in the last couple of weeks. Awesome track.

Steve, deprived as I am I don't know Voodoo Ray. I have a feeling I should. You've mentioned Voodoo Ray before I think?

Maarten, glad you like it. Thanks man.

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Message 9/28             08-Nov-01  @  04:03 AM   -   RE: Woohoo!!!


Posts: 7627

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wasnt voodoo ray a guy called gerald track? or am I just displaying my egnooranz?

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Message 10/28             08-Nov-01  @  09:09 AM   -   RE: Woohoo!!!


Posts: 6231

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can't ehar it.. every now and then the d/l link just gives me an html page.. this is one of those times.. :|

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