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Subject: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?

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Original Message 1/12             06-Nov-03  @  05:26 PM   -   posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


Posts: 89

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Any advices on my new track? hmm i don't think it's finished (and the song title "PSY01" is just a project name).

This psych is recorded straight from the output of my Mackie while playing around with the toys (no mastering, this is just my idea of the track).
And i have an idea of bringing back the tabla/sitar-thing in the end etc (right now there's just a temporary end).
But before i destroy the whole thing ; ) i thought maybe someone could give an opinion. Caus im kinda stuck with too much crazy shit in (hell yeah - it starts in 90 bpm with sitars, raises to 143 and becomes a stomper : )

i'm aware of that the delay is out of time during the tempo change (dubby - just foolin around with the aux)

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Message 2/12             06-Nov-03  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?



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Sounds like pro work to me..! Should I vote as well, the track's doing fine anyway.

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Message 3/12             06-Nov-03  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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curious what this has to do with Posford?

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Message 4/12             06-Nov-03  @  09:28 PM     Edit: 06-Nov-03  |  11:04 PM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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Well, believe it or not - even if it can't be heard - i had some of his tunes in my head when i did this shit. No particular song, just the way he sometimes changes a plain 4/4 to 3/4 beat etc.

i'm not claiming nonsense like this song could have been done by Posford or shite like that. This is no way near his quality! it's just the first tune i've done when I can hear meself bein' directly inspired by his work.

there's an 'ulterior motive' behind the title "posfords ghost on a diet", see?
..and of course a way to get folks reading the post ; )

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Message 5/12             07-Nov-03  @  12:01 AM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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Message 6/12             08-Nov-03  @  12:24 AM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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Your track (PSY01) is masterful. Nice sound (even if it's not mastered), excellent energy, and very creative. I would like to hear the finished ending tho. I am still familiarizing myself with alot of stuff in the scene, but I haven't heard anything like this one yet... Keep it up!

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Message 7/12             08-Nov-03  @  02:03 AM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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Thanks, appreciate your words! Nice if i'm giving you a good vibe with this music.
The rolling Juno-bassline adds a lot of warmth to the sound, it's sounds really nice and it wouldn't be the same without it. So the bass is one of the major reasons that the track even sounds good in 56 kbps.

I'll sure let you know when it's finished. : )

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Message 8/12             08-Nov-03  @  07:33 PM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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ooh sir... this is very interesting indeed.

intro is lovely, the change into techno totaly unexpected but totaly grips you and makes you wonder what comes next. my ears are totaly perked now... hehe, yes some posfordish-ish noises in there. ok, its tamer than posford but still fun to listen to. eek... another tempo change... aight, listening again... ah, back to trance... more posford 'quotes'... cool noises, but i'd like the bass arp to be more biting, more prominent, beacause something needs to fill up the mix a bit frequency wise.... ah, the end.

yeah man... something original for a change! congrats... now, i think you could, or even should make this even longer than it is, do more with the 'trance' bit, modulate, modify, etc... the tempo changes are done rather well, which is not easy so i congraulate you, but yes on the first one- some bits do get out of time and need fixing a bit.

so... if u finished this (you said its only an idea, right?) it could be a kickass track. nice one, Stuff!

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Message 9/12             08-Nov-03  @  07:34 PM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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oh yeah... where do the intro tablas+sitar come from? that bit is sampled, right?

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Message 10/12             10-Nov-03  @  01:40 AM     Edit: 10-Nov-03  |  01:44 AM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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Thanks milan for this creative review!!

ok bass arp isn't prominent enough. The cutoff on the Juno is quite low, when i raise it - much of the deepest bass gets lost. Maybe i need to add a new sound playing the same notes as the Juno - with more opened filter (perhaps bandpass or something) to fill up the frequencies..??
(i wouldn't want to change the melody of the bass though, gf said it was very 'smart and musical' ; ).

I'm only using one bass in this track. Though, i've noticed in many of the Full-On Psytrance songs; they're using at least two different basses (usually one really deep in 16th notes) along with the kickdrum - really intresting.

Yes i've plans to make the 'trance-part' in the end longer, and tweak the noises a bit more. (maybe even slow down the tempo to 90 again with tablas and sitar. and maybe i should have some DMT like Simon too ; ).

The oriental-stuff are free samples from Loop Galaxy (sometimes you've got to make it easy for yourself ;)


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Message 11/12             10-Nov-03  @  08:21 AM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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yeah, no reason why not to add another bass part. go for it.

and wow, some cool f'in loops.

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Message 12/12             10-Nov-03  @  09:59 AM   -   RE: posfords ghost on a diet - advices?


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Cool intro.

something odd about when the bas arp comes in, kinda sounds rushed and out of time a bit, dunno if you're messing with the temp or something.

Otherwise pretty cool... nice drum programming btw


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