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Subject: my first non-trance track here

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Original Message 1/15             02-Nov-02  @  04:21 PM   -   my first non-trance track here


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This melody was created some time ago when I was feeling a little blue..   I just finished adding drums and bass etc. It's very epic and romantic electro/synthpop-track. Please tell me what you think! The track is called "Your World, My World"

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Message 2/15             02-Nov-02  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here


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bo! very very nice indeed! especially like the beginning. the rest is very good to but that gliding lead sound is a bit cheesy for my taste. nonetheless, excellent track. you really know your shit. hats off. you should probly be on mtv or something  


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Message 3/15             02-Nov-02  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here



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Nice one. Sounds like a trance song under electrobeats. I like this.

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Message 4/15             02-Nov-02  @  10:18 PM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here



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Thanks!! I'm glad to hear you liked it, because it's my first electro-track. I played it to my friends and they liked it too. It's probably obvious what kind of music I've been doing when you listen to this.. But I've always wanted to mix together trance-like-melodies with electro beats. Maybe I could try and do another track in similar style..  

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Message 5/15             02-Nov-02  @  10:37 PM     Edit: 02-Nov-02  |  10:38 PM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here


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clean clean clean... very nice production. Sportin' a full plumage of skill with this one. You listen to the Ozrics at all? Kinda reminds me of them crossed with like Erasure or something. Nice and 80's spacey. And the arrangement flows very logically and sensibly.


Wanna teach me some arranging tricks? Do you base the flow of your tracks on stuff you've heard?


... and what were you on in that picture? :}

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Message 6/15             03-Nov-02  @  11:44 AM     Edit: 03-Nov-02  |  11:46 AM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here


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Thanks man! I've never heard about the Ozrics..maybe I should check it out!

I might have gotten some influences from a finnish band called Firevision. (check out a clip at I've been listening to it quite a lot lately. And also maybe from Jaakko Salovaara's productions. (Bomfunk Mc's, Mighty 44 etc)

Anyway..when I started to work with this track I only had the main lead. I first added that arp-like saw pattern going on from the start. Then drums and the bassline..loop that part and mixed and tweaked all the sounds until it sounds good. I then mute and solo tracks and listen to which ones would make the seemed logical to first have only the saw and drums and then add bass. Also most of my tracks have a softer string part before the main riff so I played some strings over the bass and the saw thing. I thought the bassline would sound cool if I put pieces of it over the soft strings. I think it creates a nice contrast. Drums wanted to get in the second time too...   Those and the saw made the bridge between intro and main riff. Another trick I often use..I decided to pitch the main riff wholetone up to give it extra boost. I listened it few times..was kinda stuck for awhile. I thought the intro would sound cool with the more complex saw pattern I had under the main riff so I pasted it after the main riff. Again I listened the track over and had the feeling it needs a break at this point. So i created a part with only the strings and saw thing. After that I got lazy and just copied everything from the start of the first bridge to the end of the main riff. I decided to end the track very quickly.. Makes me listen to it over and over again. I didn't really plan the arrangement in any way..usually I just listen to the track looped and at some point I have a vision of what next. When I get to the end I listen it over many times and might go back and change some things that don't fit in. Also I spend much time tweaking and placing all the sweeps and other effects. Well..that's the way I usually do it.

Oh, you mean that photo of me on my dt page? It was taken last christmas when santa claus was here. My sister was here with her kids so santa had to come. (here in finland he comes in the evening in person to give presents to kids) If you mean this tracks was just something I draw in paintshop when i was listening to this...  

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Message 7/15             03-Nov-02  @  11:51 AM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here


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hehe, i just got up and this is the first thing i've heard this morning. very very good!   it's got to be the first track by you that i'm gonna leave on repeat   just my cup of tea.

actually, it's a bit short you bastard!

anyhow, nice one & VOTE MIK!

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Message 8/15             03-Nov-02  @  03:02 PM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here



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Thanks bedwyr!! I wondered what you guys and my friends would think about it.. So far I've got really good comments. Maybe I SHOULD make more than just trance.  

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Message 9/15             03-Nov-02  @  07:31 PM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here


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i'm not ignoring a synthpop track i left my headphones in the other room. the far other room.

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Message 10/15             04-Nov-02  @  02:24 AM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here


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This is excellent. This could be used for a game or a film.... as is. It's that good.

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Message 11/15             04-Nov-02  @  08:10 AM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here


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top notch sound as usual...

wouldnt call it electro tho...definitely more synth pop.

well done, man.

gotta do all your own engineering and the like?

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Message 12/15             04-Nov-02  @  09:43 AM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here


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Big props to trying something different and succeeding very nicely! Lovely sounds and a great mood you made here...

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Message 13/15             04-Nov-02  @  10:32 AM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here



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Thanks again! I've never before had this much positive comments.  

To influx, it was done by me from the first note to final mastering at my bedroom. I run almost all the sounds from hw synths to cubase and do the eq'ing and effects there.

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Message 14/15             04-Nov-02  @  10:36 AM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here


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JOB WELL DONE, my man. props

Id like to hear it in hifi just to see how good you are, but the fact that it (and all your mixes) sounds so tight at 24/22 mono...just speaks volumes!

I still could push the envelope a bit...

do you use a lot of presets? did we ask this before?

but then again...there are two schools who really like to dive in to the gimmickry of E-music and the other side who take what is there and "write songs"

youre more of the latter it seems...

neither is better or worse. Im not passing judgement. just observing

now go check out that track me and breakerbox are doin!

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Message 15/15             04-Nov-02  @  11:03 AM   -   RE: my first non-trance track here



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Well...if you want to hear it in hi-fi.. It should be available in my page ( in about a week. Allthough I think you're not a big fan.. The bassdrum has annoying click sound at 128kbps because I it's very wide in frequency spectrum. But it might bother just me..

Well...all the sounds are presets modified by me. Some more some less. Drums are the part that I tweak most. I listen to only the drums and compress and equalize every sound individually..edit envelopes etc. That saw pattern is MAM MB33-2 so it can't really be a preset.   But I think you're right about the two schools thing. I would probably be in the latter. Now I LOVE to tweak my synths and try what sounds I can do...but when I start to make a track I just take my favourite sounds and tweak them just enough to work nicely together. I've never actually had any sound evolve during a track..only filter settings and volume etc. might change. That part is something I should certainly work with!

Ok, I'll check out the track now!  

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