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Subject: train tracks to montreal (queasy)

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Original Message 1/17             01-Apr-03  @  03:45 PM     Edit: 01-Apr-03  |  03:49 PM   -   train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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y'know... sometimes i close my eyes and have this dream of hoppin' on this train, leaving everything behind.

there's something about that train...

train tracks to montreal



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Message 2/17             01-Apr-03  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)



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this is dying for a vocal. like the girl from MBV. and it could be quite a bit shorter. I'm not crazy about the guitar sound at the end--the bend.

bittersweet, a flavor I enjoy. does your train stop in jersey?

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Message 3/17             01-Apr-03  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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hey knowa.

ya, thought of the vocal too.. working on the lyrics but i'm not a singer. who's mbv?

and yeah.. quite long eh? [kinda liked it that way tho] maybe i should do a "radio" edit..

thanks for the comments!

ps: train goes where the good times roll.

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Message 4/17             01-Apr-03  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)



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my bloody valentine. if you don't know their "loveless" album you really need to.

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Message 5/17             01-Apr-03  @  11:12 PM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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oh ya?

i keep hearing but i never got a chance to check it out... any song in particular?


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Message 6/17             02-Apr-03  @  01:27 AM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)

Broken Silence

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god thank you for uploading this one...i think it fits that vibe and it's just a really cool track with a warm feeling to it. very good...and a bit on the long side, but i shouldnt be talking :P

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Message 7/17             02-Apr-03  @  02:19 AM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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sweet.. thanks man!


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Message 8/17             02-Apr-03  @  06:23 AM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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For me, a track is all about the vibe, and you've certainly achieved that with gusto here. I love it.

And on top of that, your blend of sounds is really unique. They all melt together in just the right way. And sure, the track is long, but it's not the kind of song you want to be over right away. It's journey music, and the best ones are long ones, right?

I never got bored.

I can tell you were somewhere else when you wrote this. Good job. Go there often...


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Message 9/17             02-Apr-03  @  06:32 AM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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even though we're on irc i feel compelled to reply here (some sort of weird parallel universe thing).


"not like music by journey mind you that's entirely different... and crap" ~phew!!  

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Message 10/17             02-Apr-03  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)



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all the songs on "loveless" are incredible. I'm not saying this sounds similar to "loveless" just that the same type of ethereal vocal would sound complement it.

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Message 11/17             02-Apr-03  @  04:30 PM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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alright, cool.

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Message 12/17             04-Apr-03  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)



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i've got it, so i'll burn you a copy.


p.s - how did you get a train-chug sound from the rm1x?!

p.p.s - that first sound is wicked.. the twinkly electric-piano one.

p.p.p.s - ah... the bass has kicked in.. (it's really got a "live bass" vibe..

p.p.p.p.s - and now that "blowing over a pipe" sound...

p.p.p.p.p.s - nice track.

p.p.p.p.p.p.s - i agree with "too long", but.. what can you do?

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Message 13/17             04-Apr-03  @  06:25 PM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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heh. yeah!

train chug sound: it was the percussion kit... lots of reverb. some pitch bend. surprisingly not too diffcult once you find the right sound.


ps: you ps-er ;p

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Message 14/17             07-Apr-03  @  02:55 AM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)

man called clay


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luved the guitarish/key sound which starts this thing....from the moment i heard it a week ago.
reminds me of the cocteau twins which is always good.
the bass carries nicely giving it a slight retro-curish feel. i think the drums could've used one more variation or sound.....and i really do not like the weird twisted attack on your synth sound which repeats itself all-too-often. it's purpose
seems ill-defined, almost as if you really just needed a new-style sound to make it cool.
also wished that the train really started chugging along at one point.
it's definitely worth fixing. a very sweet tune
which could be made classic.

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Message 15/17             07-Apr-03  @  03:48 AM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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thanks mcc! good idea on the train chugging more... it's cool when you pitch bend it and change cutoff you can get the train-speeding-up and train-in-tunnel sound.

there is actually purpose to the weird synth attack thing... have you ever seen the video for chembros? the part where they hit the city? it's *kinda* like that.. like you're passing sparks and moments of time.


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Message 16/17             07-Apr-03  @  05:05 AM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)

man called clay


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well...the chems...good they are and right...BUT all i (me) can hear is what i hear....perhaps simply take that twisted attack out of it once in awhile and give it more of a clean linear thrust and then alternate to the time-warp attack. like i's a lovely thing and definitely worth traning to behave! i've got shit it's taken me years know what to do with. some ya just gotta let go and others...well...they stick around forever.

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Message 17/17             07-Apr-03  @  06:18 AM   -   RE: train tracks to montreal (queasy)


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aiight cool.. i see whatcha mean.


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