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Subject: did someone listen...

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Feb-03  @  07:58 PM   -   did someone listen...


Posts: 472

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File?:  No file my little piece called Pulse 9 ?

It passed through the latest user track list without any feedback ;-)

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Message 11/29             13-Feb-03  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: did someone listen...


Posts: 7627

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I figured english wasnt your it makes sense...

thing is..its not even a 'finished' work, right?...just a demo type thang to show your pulse programming skills?

its to early to listen right now. will do later for SURE I promise

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Message 12/29             13-Feb-03  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: did someone listen...


Posts: 472

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It is finished but short. It is a demo like every track I've done till now. My tracks don't exceed a certain level, they stay on that amateut demo level like most tracks on DT do, so I don't dare to call them finished or ready to be published.
But there is no need to discuss that. There is no need for you to listen to it.
I noticed that you don't like agressive or dumb advertising, but in this forum rubrique there are exclusively posts of that kind.

But I'll be quiet now, ok ? ;-)

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Message 13/29             13-Feb-03  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: did someone listen...


Posts: 7627

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ha! you misunderstood

when I said too early to listen..I meant "in the morning" 

I had just gotten out of bed 

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Message 14/29             13-Feb-03  @  10:04 PM   -   RE: did someone listen...


Posts: 7627

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160/44, eh?

totally necessary?

wont stream on dialup. nevermind I guess

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Message 15/29             14-Feb-03  @  03:43 AM   -   RE: did someone listen...

man called clay


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stefan....i like your sincerity and humility and the fact that you said most stuff on dancetech is amateurish>
that's great...funny...haha etc.
my advice is this...fuck technology.
it's a wonderful thing and know as much about it as possible and then just go play some stuff... which makes you happy....and who cares what anyone thinks?
i prefer mother goose and african music myself.
if you look deep within and quit doing "product demos"...i'm sure you'll find some fantastic way of expressing yourself.
i sense this.....
and really....don't worry about being cool (whatever that is...usually some genre's a concept most overrated and is only good for somewhere between 1 1/2 years to maybe 20 years)....
go for the big clang.
it won't matter when we're gone anyway.

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Message 16/29             14-Feb-03  @  06:41 AM   -   RE: did someone listen...


Posts: 472

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Ouch, Influx, I uploaded the wrong file. Didn't notice it cause I thought the DT server would reject files of this size...
I'll upload the correct file today, though it is all not that important ;-)

@ Clay: I play stuff that is fun for me and am very proud if I finished a little track. But for I am a lonesome old home producer whos wife and son are the only listeners, and they don't like my stuff at all, comments from the web community are the only chances for me to get some kind of feedback ;-)

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Message 17/29             14-Feb-03  @  07:22 AM   -   RE: did someone listen...


Posts: 686

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The fact that you have the Pulse logo on your track and that the track is called Pulse 9 kind of says it all. It sounds like one of those product demonstrations.... or the preset melodies you get with a new synth. You kan play keys. You have a nice sounding synth. And you make nice sounds. All you gotta do is add some of your soooooouuuuuuuul.......

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Message 18/29             14-Feb-03  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: did someone listen...

man called clay


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stefan...i understand your liking some feedback.
we all like it at some point. main point is that you play well enough to be a a danger to yourself.
i've played in many bands with all kinds of hot-shot musicicans who could play hendrix backwards...whatever....and what i used to find all the time was that these musicicans were most-oft astounded when you gave them the simplest of ideas to explore around. like do re mi or.....fa la la.
or i love you...or let's go fly a kite.
i love the old story how beethoven's nephew (could
it've been his son?...we'll never know) was proclaiming ludwig's completed ascent into lunacy as he was constructing the ode to joy.....simple as this idea was musically! and yet spiritually....this piece was a monster and certainly enough to seal the deal for the ninth being one of the greatest musical achievements of all time.

so krisgot says....a little sooouuuLLL.
technique and technology are surely secondary.

have fun my friend and good luck surprising your wife and child some day!

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Message 19/29             14-Feb-03  @  02:28 PM   -   RE: did someone listen...


Posts: 2082

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Yeah, like stated above... love the sounds, like the melodies but do something more with build, and shoot these elements with cupid's arrow.

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Message 20/29             14-Feb-03  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: did someone listen...

man called clay


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yes...cupid's arrow!.....and please don't get me wrong when i say f*k teknology &all.....we gotta be intrigued and in love with our toys....the sounds they make but...step back and....well...maarten said it best....shoot that cupid's arrow. and since you brought up the issue of being lonely artist w/ wife/kid etc...let me just say this is par for the course for most who find themselves somehow caught between need to express and still have very real human contsacts...i.e. family.
try to understand them too.
here's dad off in his playworld...making funny stuff etc. can i have a barbie?
oh? waldorf?
oh! daddy...sweetheart....
we got it!
life's little dilemnas.
everyone's got a point-of-view.

peace and luv~

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