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Subject: Please critique my new track

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Sep-01  @  01:54 AM   -   Please critique my new track


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I'm looking for some feedback on my newest tune, "Day Turns Into Night."...Especially regarding the arrangement and whether the vocoded vocals should come in sooner...Also what genre would you label it? Thanks very much for your help

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Message 11/37             29-Sep-01  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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make a mental note to ignore anything i ever post lunacy w if dated isn't your thing  

kick lower than bass? where are you hearing these fairy tales sensoniq?

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Message 12/37             29-Sep-01  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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i think the 'home keyboard sound' is due to your tendency to not quantise. in lo-fi, where the rilliance of the sounds isn't as gripping, it's emphasized. personally i wonder how much quantising would really harm your tracks  

that said, i'll say the other thing you know.. big sensoniq fan here.. i loooove melodic phrasing, and this track has the same easily perceptible feel for interplay between parts thye all do.. reiterating for the benefit of others.. you've got a great sense of a unity of motion.. it's not emphasized in this track, but sensoniq has a habit of taking a phrase and putting it together with several parts. the way the swirlies come in at the break demonstrates sheer apprehension of interplay.

i'd like to see the day when you settle down a bit and put more time into it tohugh.. but why should you when there's so many nice grooves to put down. could be my imagination but on this one i'm thinking the high saw part is the basis on which other parts were built and could use more.. ?? articulation of some kind.

don't feel anyhting dated (apart from maybe the quantisation effect) melodies and harmonies are energy and always feel utterly Now when they come together (the way you tend to make them, over and over again) i feel like i'm moving through an aesthetogenic universe.. different keys add to the sense of motion.

sorry about this butt kissing, but if you must, you must.

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Message 13/37             30-Sep-01  @  12:16 PM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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i cant understand why peoplewould want to make music which sounds dated xoxos???surly the idea is to create some thing cutting edge!!!

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Message 14/37             30-Sep-01  @  03:13 PM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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Hey Loony Tune are you blind? xoxos just said he didn't hear anything dated in my track, so don't be asking him a question about that with three question marks at the end got it??? Save it for your post dude...Sheesh, you sure got an itchy trigger finger on these posts Yosemite!

xoxos you have a good point about quantization...Right now I set the quantized timing to about 50% so that there is still some human feel left in the track, but maybe it's time to quantize everything out the wazoo. The high saw melody was actually one of the final additions, just before the vox. You are right, I should've played around with it vary it up a little each time

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Message 15/37             30-Sep-01  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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so what did he mean by "make a mental note to ignore anything i ever post lunacy w if dated isn't your thing   " .that seems to imply that the stuff he makes sounds dated!
i think your a little bit too touchy mate chill out!!!!

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Message 16/37             30-Sep-01  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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Sensoniq, nice happy track mate. especially like the vocal, and no, i dont think that it should come in earlier. this way its kinda like the iceing on the cake, ya know?  

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Message 17/37             30-Sep-01  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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yeah that's what I thought too, which is why I saved the vox for the end...

Thanks for everyone's comments...I won't be offended if we just let this thread die as it seems to have been pirated by Captain Loony Sea Weapon. Arr shiver me timbers I hope you're proud of yerself Lunatic

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Message 18/37             01-Oct-01  @  12:52 AM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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cutting edge cutting edge give it a rest. it's all part of the palate/palette really. the sound i'm going for is cutting edge but it's also dated. i particularly love the sound of 40's big bands, exotica, bossa nova and new wave. in that order exactly. i want sounds that feel old and new. i need both for my aspirations.

yes. imagine ellingtonia performed by the astral body of the computer from neuromancer, which could beat up the computer from the matrix in a fight.

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Message 19/37             01-Oct-01  @  04:15 AM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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seen. I think the moral here is dated schmated...One man's junk is another man's treasure...that sorta thing

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Message 20/37             01-Oct-01  @  06:04 AM   -   RE: Please critique my new track


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xoxos I can mail you a free demo CD of these tunes plus other choice {"melodica" picks, hifi of course  ...even classics like Pink Yellow Sunset. Email me from my page if you are interested

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