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Subject: Listen to my 2 new songs

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Original Message                 Date: 07-Feb-02  @  07:12 AM   -   Listen to my 2 new songs


Posts: 42

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Hey everyone goto my website and listen to my 2 new songs, Violet Light and Mind Factory.

Thanx for supporting me

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Message 21/23             09-Feb-02  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: Listen to my 2 new songs


Posts: 7627

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now THERE is a proper review.

I might ad that kilo points out that things are boring after 2:00 or so?

99.9999999% of people wont even get that far, man. Its a very good idea to get in a LOT faster

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Message 22/23             10-Feb-02  @  01:49 PM   -   RE: Listen to my 2 new songs


Posts: 12353

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I dont mean it in a negative way... the contents of the synth parts is good, but the structure of the backing & the drum parts working with the bass in the overall production don't support them.... it could be so much better & then the synth parts would shine better.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 23/23             12-Feb-02  @  12:17 AM   -   RE: Listen to my 2 new songs



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

sounds no different from the Bedrock stuff coming out that is long and winding.

I am listening to Sahara Desert...its good from a deep trance perspective. A DJ could work this track.

Haven't listened to the others yet...


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