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Subject: Tropical House Track!

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Original Message 1/3             03-Aug-19  @  09:14 AM   -   RE: Tropical House Track!


Posts: 1

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Hello out there!

I am a music producer, and was wondering which of the following tracks,
is the most "tropical house"?

Track 1:

Track 2:

I am aware that they might also lay in the genre of progressive house.

Thank you!

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Message 2/3             03-Aug-19  @  12:18 PM   -   RE: Tropical House Track!


Posts: 12353

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nice tracks  but i wouldn't call either of them "house" music.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/3             23-Oct-19  @  01:56 AM     Edit: 23-Oct-19  |  01:58 AM   -   RE: Tropical House Track!


Posts: 6

Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

first one sounds like scrillex!!!  =D

second one is more pro in my opinion, thicker...

tropical house is a cool idea,  you need chromatic rimshots for that,  i should know im an idiot in that direction, then wear a flower button up shirt and where a pair of cool shades,  definitely get the chicks like that.

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