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Subject: farking pick somethin for chrissake

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Original Message 1/50             21-Mar-03  @  05:40 PM   -   farking pick somethin for chrissake


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argh. why did I go look at the charts, just to see whats goin on with people who belong?

and then theres yet another one of them nice blocks filled by some fool who's never even bothered to pop in and say 'ello.

and then that same fool lists every single god damned genre..

is this a ploy to get pulled when someone searches by genre? so you come up in every instance?

I really really really really really hate the way some of you assholes behave. why dont you go fucking get jobs at ad agencies or maybe working for the US govt with your stupid shady underhanded lack of scruples?


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Message 2/50             21-Mar-03  @  06:09 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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Yeah! Too right.. I had a look at the charts yesterday and there was "Synthetic Solution" so I ignored it hoping they would go away... but no.. there has been more self fucking voting.. and siplacing folks who are there legitimately..


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Message 3/50             21-Mar-03  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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oops. werent sposed to be mentionin names.

its not necessarily the specifics, but the implication behind it

full of hate right now 

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Message 4/50             21-Mar-03  @  07:50 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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Message 5/50             21-Mar-03  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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So I see you're a bass player... Still play?

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Message 6/50             21-Mar-03  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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a little. not as much as I should or would like to

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Message 7/50             21-Mar-03  @  11:21 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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Cool.. I haven't stopped playing, might do some more chilled stuff with live bass

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Message 8/50             21-Mar-03  @  11:39 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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my last letter to synthetic solution:

you've displayed an amazing lack of tact here.
and you're looking really horny...i.e. stupid.

i tried to give him props on one track a couple days ago and tell him he should upload his tracks more slowly so peeps can absorb the work and then he says thanks for listening and votes nine tracks into 30 available slots>

what a dorf>

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Message 9/50             21-Mar-03  @  11:53 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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Yeah.. its a shame really coz some of their stuff is good

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Message 10/50             22-Mar-03  @  12:14 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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well....he said he had another eleven songs to upload. maybe he'll get the message and maybe we can all get past this error in judgment on his part....and begin to appreciate his work fo what it is. and he for dancetech> for being the community that it is.

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Message 11/50             22-Mar-03  @  02:18 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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yeah fuckin right you hippy


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Message 12/50             22-Mar-03  @  02:23 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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: )

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Message 13/50             22-Mar-03  @  03:18 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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thats good to know. no one else to step up if I leave the coil

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Message 14/50             22-Mar-03  @  06:46 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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that's not to say they won't step up!!!!
but this mortal coil won't be rid of us for some time. a pity for those who have to put up with think?

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Message 15/50             22-Mar-03  @  12:50 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake



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yeah it's good stuff he's doing - didnt check the chart for a few

oh I want to write a modified script to allow a max 5 or 6 genre selections, BUt I gotta figure out a way to do it cos the way I scripted it already allows multiple genre selection which required some fiddling and now to set a max selection means more arsing about

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Message 16/50             22-Mar-03  @  06:57 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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oh k, dont sweat it man! I just cant help but get riled up every once in a while 

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Message 17/50             23-Mar-03  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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what i'd most love to see is a 3 or 4 song max as to how many songs can be on the chart. this'll probably require some tricky coding. i'm less concerned whether a guy says he's into bongo music and metal and polka downtempo d-n-b....but i do feel that a 4-song chart max
would be very pleasing to the eye.

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Message 18/50             24-Mar-03  @  12:10 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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from the guy who can't even say hello as he crams what....12 or 13? songs onto the chart???

I just received your less-than-pleasant email & don't know what you are
referring to, because you haven't referred to anything specific.
Furthermore, I don't think it's appropriate to write about a "lack of tact"
of someone you don't even know, particularly in print, since it may backfire
on you in the worst way.

What I know do know for certain is that my music seems to be doing well for
the time being. If you are referring to the fact that my music is doing
well then you need to 1) understand why it's doing well & 2) understand
that you are not omnipresent and can't guess or venture wildly as to why it
is doing well.

If you are claiming you are god, then you have more problems than anyone
could venture a guess at. If you claim that you understand why my music is
doing well, you are engaged in shear unadulterated speculation. My CD
actually exists in a "non-virtual" format and has found distribution among
actual music-listeners who are aware of and apparently
enjoy my fresh & unique approach to composing music.

So, next time you think about haphazardly sending people emails about your
wild imagination, maybe you should get rid of the baby-batter first by
beating it a few times until your wild imagination subsides.

I'd appreciate you keeping your unpleasant remarks to yourself from now on,
unless you are too infantile for your own sake.

And if what I wrote above is too sophisticated for you to understand, I'll
put it simply:

Bug off & don't write me anymore. I'm blocking you in any event. And if
you feel you have too much time on your hands to keep from sending them
evidence of your stupidity, you should put your hands to good use and end
your miserable existence.



i hate it when a guy won't even have a good argument
about stuff.
oh well....

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Message 19/50             24-Mar-03  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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Thats a pooey answer! I wonder if K can figure out where these votes are coming from and if he is self voting kick 'im off dt!

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Message 20/50             24-Mar-03  @  05:02 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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not sure what the hell that was...but...why not just email the guy?

are we talking about this person who has self-voted so blatantly? and you were emailing him, and he STILL didnt have the guts to speak up publicly?


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Message 21/50             24-Mar-03  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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It looks like Clay was trying to email the guy, so he appears to be a wimp.. and anyway if your stuff was released commercially would you bother to put a lofi version in DT??? I know I wouldn't! Its stunts like these that end up causing folks grief!

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Message 22/50             25-Mar-03  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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well....influx was right when he said> right ya fukin hippy> when i suggested we might move on from this and he might join the fold. oh well. i think this chart is for those who are trying to develop a little sense of how one's music might go over on others within a peer group. testing and trying and exhibiting ideas.
i waited 14 days before i submitted another song after sweatin 1.0. i realized that there's lotsa peeps here and that cramming shit down throats don't go over well....and its stupid anyway.
i'm glad to see you guys voting for each other's stuff.....this makes me feel good.
this is how it should be.

all we can do is carry on....
making tracks...sharing....
trying to keep a little music alive.
and being a little tactless with each other!

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Message 23/50             25-Mar-03  @  02:43 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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FVCK tact! 

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Message 24/50             25-Mar-03  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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It wouldn't be so bad if his tracks stunk. Listened to a few and, unfortunately, it's pretty good stuff. So yeah you're wondering: if it's that good why put it up here? Why stoop to going through the trouble of signing up, recording and uploading all those tracks and not wanting feedback.... if you are already an "established" artist? The reply to Clay's mail says it all really. Kinda funny. Is he serious? Imagine if he had posted them one by one and asked "Hey what do you think of my tune?" Would've been chart topping..... all by it self.

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Message 25/50             25-Mar-03  @  09:22 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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Yeah... and oh.. look.. he's gone and done it all again!!!!!!

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Message 26/50             25-Mar-03  @  12:27 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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OK.. so K fixed it again

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Message 27/50             25-Mar-03  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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i mean if he had a record to sell, all he had to do was upload a couple tracks and say hey peeps...i gotta's a couple sample tunes....
let me know if you'd like more.

i cautioned him when he said he had eleven more ready for upload. YIKES!

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Message 28/50             25-Mar-03  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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I am the great cornholio!! he he Yeah! Do you have TP? we will kick the but of this imposter he he he he, the streets will flow with the blood of the non beleivers!

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Message 29/50             25-Mar-03  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake



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blimey - whats the fuss?.... you can get a commercial release of a few thousand localy... DT is www, mebbe the guy wants to use DT as a streaming promo thing... that's what it's for. There's no obligation for any artist to join the forums if they use the music facilities

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Message 30/50             25-Mar-03  @  07:33 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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whups, and there he is again... pushing down my hounestly listed track  

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Message 31/50             25-Mar-03  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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Geezer's aving a faking larfff...

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Message 32/50             25-Mar-03  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

Steve Roughley

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K, is there any way you could simply limit the number of genres that an artist can select? This would get rid of quite a few problems.



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Message 33/50             25-Mar-03  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

Steve Roughley

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But, I do see your point here guys. This fella is takin the piss! And it is quite off-putting to see so many of this guys tracks listed. Maybe if it was possible to upload an entire album as a single entry on the charts?



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Message 34/50             25-Mar-03  @  09:27 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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just limit the maximum of tracks in the chart per user.. no more than 3 or so... problem pretty much solved then.. unless there are ten of these guys

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Message 35/50             25-Mar-03  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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heh. I vacillate between semi-insulted at the implication, and embarassment about my CARING about the damn thing! 

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Message 36/50             25-Mar-03  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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Don't be sad influx. If it helps a little: there are still extremely honourable men with a zero vote konto like me on DT ;-)

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Message 37/50             25-Mar-03  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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well if you posted your tracks on DT mebbe you'd get some votes Stefan! doh...

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Message 38/50             25-Mar-03  @  11:20 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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First, ok the guy/s has no class. Second, I listened, and you know what I heard? Pollished cheese. No balls, no guts, no real serious soul, just faked funk and pollished cheese. SO why sweat? Dude uploaded a whole CD and then voted the shit out of it to try to get it to sell. How ho-hum
I wouldn't change the system at all, just find this dude's info, and sign him up to some cheese and porn lists. Dude's a punk, so why stress? Flux, you know your shit smokes his. So does some of mine, so does a LOT of stuff from folks who come here. You guys have wasted a whole bunch of energy that you could have put into composing things to show this bum what time it is in a more universal language. Waddup?


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Message 39/50             26-Mar-03  @  03:17 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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k...that's a cop out.
no one said he owed it to anyone to join the forums to have tracks on the charts. rich grandsol never joined the forums and had some cool stuff up there.
so have others who wouldn't even answer e-mail responses.
it's your chart though...your site. want it to look like synthetic solution pongoid said> polished no guts scheeseie.....then cool.
can't wait for yanni to upload his next 2 cd set and have her friends vote all 33 tracks right up our arses.

this is simply lame.

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Message 40/50             26-Mar-03  @  12:24 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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I emailed SS just to lem 'em know how I felt about what was going on. The answer came back as

To answer your question, I'm not the one voting for my own tracks. I just got the word out (about where to find my tracks on to a load of my friends, family & internet contacts & apparently they along with
some dancetech enthusiasts have taken it upon themselves to vote for the tracks of their choice."

er.. so getting your family and friends to vote (who always will) is not self voting then.... Hmmmmm

Anyways, I replied nicely asking them not to upload 19 tracks in a go and instead to spread it around a bit, perhaps say hello in the forums just figured we should play nice sometimes the best offence is defence..

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Message 41/50             26-Mar-03  @  12:39 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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well....since being britney spears ain't the name of the game'd think they'd just be happy his music/cd was doing well (like he said in his mail to me) and just sell more of them and quit trying to HOG the entire chart.

he just appears the lil cut/paste yob with a few chops and his sense of place in the least here....seems quite encumbered> 1) over-ego 2) disconnection.

pretty embarassing really.....especially if little szi is speaking on his behalf.

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Message 42/50             26-Mar-03  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake



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krisgot wrote: : if it's that good why put it up here?

pardon me ? i'm reading you wrong, right?

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Message 43/50             26-Mar-03  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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I think he means when you'd be in search of commercial succes only, why put it up here- send demo and it will speak for itself and such... I don't think it's that good but who am I?

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Message 44/50             26-Mar-03  @  05:18 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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well, what i meant is : there is tons of GREAT music right here.

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Message 45/50             26-Mar-03  @  08:41 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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that I understood  

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Message 46/50             26-Mar-03  @  11:16 PM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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i think the point is: once anybody's stuff starts hitting...if it does.....why flood this chart just to prove you can?
shit....i'd love to always share here....this is where you get some great songs...variety and exchanges and even some laughs amidst our childlike ways.
what more can you ask for besides the occasional police escort?

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Message 47/50             27-Mar-03  @  02:37 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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Ha ha moon yeah maybe that came out wrong. As good as he thinks it is. And apprently he's doing "very well"....

Clay.... Yanni. That's funny.

Well with the time he has available he is sure really reading this. So to you: Hey go back and make some more overproduced background music. And don't forget to vote.

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Message 48/50             27-Mar-03  @  03:18 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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I'm tired of people rippin' on Yanni. "Live at the Acropolis" was and is one of the best live recordings I've heard. The music is overemotional, but sometimes you need that.

And sure he' can't read music, but he has a moustache!!! It takes balls to sport one of those nowadays.

I got Yanni's back. Quit pickin' on my boy. Go make fun of that android, John Tesh.


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Message 49/50             27-Mar-03  @  03:24 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake

man called clay


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haha...psy...sorry!!! i actually MEANT that ANDROID JOHN TEsH!

anyway...old synthetic s> is a die hard....i'd just as soon he stick around but....c'mon 5's a gang...let's break it up boys.

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Message 50/50             27-Mar-03  @  03:40 AM   -   RE: farking pick somethin for chrissake


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yeah sorry psy...... (somber face) ...... no wait I'm thinking of that video where he's just out of the ocean playing piano with his eyes closed.... and now I'm laughing again.....

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