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Subject: New Ambius track

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Original Message 1/7             08-Aug-05  @  01:26 AM   -   New Ambius track


Posts: 24

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Hello friends..

I am working on a new song that is not yet compleat..
you can find a sample here

I wonder if any one have sound Fx of burds and seaa becuse i would love to use that on my track i think might merg in.. any feedback on the track is walcome.


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Message 2/7             08-Aug-05  @  10:08 AM   -   RE: New Ambius track


Posts: 649

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Ok, I all I have here (work) is my old kenwood pair of headphones (with earpads torn to rags, ie. featuring no bass at all), but those hihats seem to be a bit loud anyway. Apart from that, nice slow trancey stuff, smooth like milk, no rough edges.

Personally, I'd spice it up with something less conventional than sea+bird effects (anyone remembers Jean-MIchel Jarre's synthetised barking dog on equinoxe?).


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Message 3/7             08-Aug-05  @  04:38 PM   -   RE: New Ambius track


Posts: 24

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Rags wrote:

Ok, I all I have here (work) is my old kenwood pair of headphones (with earpads torn to rags, ie. featuring no bass at all), but those hihats seem to be a bit loud anyway. Apart from that, nice slow trancey stuff, smooth like milk, no rough edges.

Personally, Id spice it up with something less conventional than sea+bird effects (anyone remembers Jean-MIchel Jarres synthetised barking dog on equinoxe?).


Thx for feedback..when i work on sond trakcs i usely try lissen from different speakers a good song shud sound good at most speakers. My self i use Zennheizer headsett witch have very long frekvensy range..thats probly why the highhat is to high..i turn it down now..when it comes to base..i can mabe try make a second base for the drumk i like the base to follow the drums not only live it own life if you know what i mean..

I know what you mean on does old Jean Michel Jarrs trakc.. i have some of his Cder maybe i can some i can use..thx for the tips ;)

my system:
AMD 64 3+xp
1GB Gold plugged Correseair DRR2
Logic Audio 6.1
Midiman- Audiofile Delta pci soundcard (i love this card)
96Mhz 24Bit audio prosessing 2sec latancey
CoolEdit 2000
Roland PC200II Midi

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Message 4/7             08-Aug-05  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: New Ambius track


Posts: 12353

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yeah VERY nice man, when it's finished (i'm assuking the final edit will be longer) add it to the site here why doncha please! - if you go to, you use the same login-name & password as for this site - 7161 is the music section of dancetech, but caters for all styles of music

add it, it's good, we're building a good roster of talent here


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/7             08-Aug-05  @  09:03 PM   -   RE: New Ambius track


Posts: 44

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Nice tune
Really like the bass in particular!Everything sounds nice and smooth

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Message 6/7             12-Aug-05  @  11:16 PM   -   RE: New Ambius track


Posts: 39

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I'll go with what everyone else has already said here, that is really nice - smooth, almost flawless. I wouldn't bother with birds and sea sound fx, it doesn't need it anyway.

Nice work.

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Message 7/7             21-Sep-05  @  12:21 PM   -   RE: New Ambius track


Posts: 5701

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breakbeat trance? nice  

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