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Subject: New SR track

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Original Message 1/8             19-Sep-04  @  10:03 PM     Edit: 19-Sep-04  |  10:04 PM   -   New SR track

SignalRunners - BLU

Posts: 1011

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Cant get DT working again, oh well- heres a new one

Banging, called 'AfterLife'

What Do You Think?


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Message 2/8             20-Sep-04  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: New SR track


Posts: 118

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Just gave it a listen. I enjoyed the track quiet a bit. You've got those epic chord
progessions down...I almost cried ...heheh! I like the
layered arps, really kept things moving. Overall good flow of the song w/ the
flying pads and what not.
There is one thing though that cant really explain about the lead that comes in
halfway through the song. It may just be me by it snappy or
something...but I'm just talking about before it actually gets to the full riff, when
it's building up. Once it's at the full riff it's fine. But I dont know..?
Definately a cool track though.

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Message 3/8             21-Sep-04  @  03:55 AM   -   RE: New SR track



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i like the single chord hold throughout the build-up...a lot.
but once you introduce the full progression i felt robbed when you didn't follow through with it on a more regular basis.
somehow....i get this feeling the producer/producers is/are afraid of being accused of cheesemaking...thusly opting for a more minimalist approach.
in this case...i think you need to let the full-progression fly.....and HARD....
and in everyone's face.
that's what i would've liked.

plus....i really like the basic sound and attitude of this piece.
it feels like it's trying less hard with the drum-fills....builds....splashes...etc.
it sounds mature in that sense.
i just think you need to bring that theme home....and fast!

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Message 4/8             21-Sep-04  @  08:35 AM   -   RE: New SR track


Posts: 96

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I'm listening...

The mix is so good, sounds very fine. The chords are great too.

The lead sound starting at about 3:00 is a little bit weak, its like noisy, not too loud, not to hard, compress it!  , and I'd like to hear the full melody more times, not just "the beginning of that".

Overally it will be a great track, but IMO the lead should be louder, and harder.

woland ex

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Message 5/8             21-Sep-04  @  05:14 PM   -   RE: New SR track

SignalRunners - Andrew

Posts: 1071

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thanks guys, always glad that ya'll check out our tracks!!

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Message 6/8             22-Sep-04  @  12:26 PM     Edit: 22-Sep-04  |  12:39 PM   -   RE: New SR track


Posts: 12353

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i'd generaly like toi hear a greater variety of sounds in your tracks. You don't wanna stick always with the usual synth sounds only. It might start to sound a bit dated otherwise. Like say that Armin Van Buuren tune (desire) has a guitar sample riff which is nice for a change even tho it's not really my bag, also that 'Orions Belt' tune has some back in the mix guitar-y sound... y'know?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/8             22-Sep-04  @  01:21 PM   -   RE: New SR track

SignalRunners - BLU

Posts: 1011

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yeah, but believe it or not the guitar thing has been overdone to death now regarding being upfront.

Armin and envio the two biggest abusers prolly, with a thopusand rip offs following ( as usual )

Check out a track- 'Flutter' in my view user and give a shout, Armin would shit huimself!!


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Message 8/8             22-Sep-04  @  03:31 PM   -   RE: New SR track



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i was, later....actually thinking something along opposite lines for this track.
since the melody is a bit on the subtle side...perhaps a very muted...almost transparent pad-sound might work to nice effect.

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