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Subject: uh huh

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Original Message 1/9             14-Oct-04  @  07:05 AM     Edit: 14-Oct-04  |  07:06 AM   -   uh huh


Posts: 102

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hmmm... been a long time since I've used dancetech. Lots of Hurricanes to deal with. Anyhow here's a tune I wrote just before the power went out. power went out for five days. any comments? enjoy. -urb.

title: urbicide

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Message 2/9             14-Oct-04  @  09:52 AM   -   RE: uh huh


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Not much to say. A complete song really, raw, funky. Was going to request louder drums and lower guitar, but nah ..... works as is. You need an ending to it though. Very good work.

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Message 3/9             14-Oct-04  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: uh huh

broken finger

Posts: 649

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Nice distortion :-) Very professional sound, the non-distorted vocals at the breakdown (come oon, get out right now) are a bit... well, not as "tripped out" as I expect to be in thins kind of context, but the rest is pretty fine. Sounds like it would make a great soundtrack (film or even video game).

broken finger

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Message 4/9             14-Oct-04  @  04:46 PM     Edit: 14-Oct-04  |  04:48 PM   -   RE: uh huh


Posts: 99

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is the track called urbicide?
chemicals brothers playing marilyn manson tune. i'ts great.

btw 3 tracks are hard and fuckin good.
feel a chem flavour in them but your tunes are even a little more fresh

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Message 5/9             15-Oct-04  @  08:28 AM     Edit: 15-Oct-04  |  08:29 AM   -   RE: uh huh


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Thanks for the comments guys I'm trying to make a defined sound and I'm still working hard at it. If ya want, I'll take a listen to your tracks.

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Message 6/9             15-Oct-04  @  01:37 PM   -   RE: uh huh


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glad' you'll do it.

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Message 7/9             15-Oct-04  @  03:16 PM   -   RE: uh huh


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come on , fun with model-100 eh!

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Message 8/9             16-Oct-04  @  03:21 AM   -   RE: uh huh



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i figured your tastes were towards the teeth-gnashing side of things.....
but this is reaaaaally good shit man.
your whole approach to this industrial hip-hop manner is just dead-on.
good choice of
phat but clean steady beat.....crisp and never boring.
would've loved a raging vocal @ about 52 seconds.
your break at 1:42 was definitely ON.
lotsa small surprises within!!!!!
cool vocal concept too (is that you?).
keep doing.

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Message 9/9             16-Oct-04  @  09:39 AM   -   RE: uh huh


Posts: 102

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mcc... thanks for the comments. you show a good face. keep it up.

haracio: I'm listening to the queen track and I was diggin the beginning (good stuff for what it is) but towards the end you lost your feel. If it was me I would sit on the track for awhile and come back. The start was good but I felt it tired as it went. Nice ideas. Next, I'll listen to 'my hair'.

It was good and passive with the vocal. i dug. I'd continue with vocal and beats and add little shit here and there. The dropout interrupted the process and started something new. Organs and all. Good. But not applicable for first listen. My ears wanted it to continue into organs or something subtle. anyhow, I think my opinion is only 15%

You got some good ideas, but I feel your not concentrating on things b/c your mind gets bored. try the oppisite. This track has it compared to your others. opinions are 15%. I totally get what your doing. Keep on creating.

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