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Subject: One of those tracks...

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Original Message 1/13             28-Nov-02  @  07:12 PM     Edit: 28-Nov-02  |  07:13 PM   -   One of those tracks...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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I'm interested to hear if anyone has one of THOSE tracks. Written by someone else, that you and all of your mates went mad to and seems to sum up a period in your life. One of those tracks that even after years since, still brings back smells, atmospheres and emotions that you had completely forgotten.

I've just been going through my old tracks and found Lydian and The Dinosaur by Phil K and Andy Page. It's only two or three years old but at one point, it was everywhere. At all the clubs we went to. And we loved it. I still do. And it reminds me of all the nights that we were experiencing. And what a damn fine track it is too.

Anywho, rant over.



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Message 2/13             28-Nov-02  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: One of those tracks...


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I can relate, think everyone can... there are lots I guess... first that comes to mind is Hale Bopp (not sure 'bout spelling) by Der Dritte Raum- ahh the sweet memories, my time of misbehaviour.

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Message 3/13             28-Nov-02  @  07:37 PM   -   RE: One of those tracks...


Posts: 2082

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routemaster rec. "new wave of acid-techno"...

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Message 4/13             28-Nov-02  @  08:36 PM   -   RE: One of those tracks...


Posts: 7627

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Phil K and Andy Page, eh?

Im so out of the loop

would you possibly be able to rip it and put it here just so I could hear?

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Message 5/13             28-Nov-02  @  09:59 PM   -   RE: One of those tracks...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Give me ten minutes.


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Message 6/13             28-Nov-02  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: One of those tracks...


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Message 7/13             28-Nov-02  @  10:18 PM   -   RE: One of those tracks...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Sorry, it's quite big even with encoding and a bit of editing (namely removing 3 minutes off of the start), so I'm uploading it to my university project website. It looks like it will take a little while on my snail connection, so I'll give you a shout when it is done.


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Message 8/13             28-Nov-02  @  11:04 PM   -   RE: One of those tracks...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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OK, look. My server is really getting on my tits. It keeps aborting my connection after I have uploaded about 75% of the track. So here is the link to the unfinished mp3:

Lydian and the Dinosaur

Unfortunately, it misses out the best bit, but I'll sort that out tomorrow when I'm not so tired.



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Message 9/13             28-Nov-02  @  11:39 PM   -   RE: One of those tracks...


Posts: 5701

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phew... i had plenty of those, but probly not a single one of them a dance track (certainly none that spring to my mind as i type). hearing a dnb remix of Mentasm sparked some memories between a bunch of people once, but... not really it.

mind you, i did remember a 200+bpm acid gabber track from an illegal party when i heard it months later at a club. no one believed me untill i told them in advance whats going on in the track later on.

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Message 10/13             29-Nov-02  @  02:11 AM   -   RE: One of those tracks...



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i might err, but this is on the most recent Digweed MMII (stateside)

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