aaa Survey - anyone got joint probs? - The lounge forums
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Subject: Survey - anyone got joint probs?

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Original Message 1/18             23-May-03  @  01:24 PM   -   Survey - anyone got joint probs?


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not the type you roll!

My knee went a few months back and since then TONS of people I know or freinds of freinds have reported similar problems with their knee's or other joints going - Anyone else in the Uk got probs? - is it something in the water? has Bin laden dumped some bloody chemical here? or did the gov't spill something?

anyone else heard of this - admittedly all the people we know with prob's are in London

I'm fit and run and have very good health in that dep't but there's no common thread, some people who have this do NOT run - so it's not that.

It's starting to get worrying - worse for me, it started when I was up North a mile from a huge army firing range if that might be related in some way. Nothing was jolted or sprained, no knock or bash to the knee. Just one night it started to ache and then went pear-shaped.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/18             23-May-03  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: Survey - anyone got joint probs?



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hmmmmm... my left knee's gone a bit gammy recently too - on the inside leg side of the joint I get a sharp pain running down it, almost feels as if it's going to give way. I've suffered from dodgy joints for years though...

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Message 3/18             23-May-03  @  03:48 PM   -   RE: Survey - anyone got joint probs?



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i've got arthritis, if that helps. nothing sinister about it though.

i recommend seeing a doctor.

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Message 4/18             23-May-03  @  06:07 PM   -   RE: Survey - anyone got joint probs?



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could be you've gotten old, K! I assume most of your friends are around your age... it sucks, and if you're fit and used to be active it comes as something of a bizarre surprise...

My back went out on me in November... Last thing on earth I expected. Took it for an injury. But it turned out to be related to something that happened to me when I was 16 and stupid!



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Message 5/18             23-May-03  @  06:34 PM   -   RE: Survey - anyone got joint probs?


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somewhere under wisconsin or michigan there's an 73-mile long antenna the 'u.s. military' use for 'global communications' or some pap.. some people can hear it.

haven't noticed anything here :p

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Message 6/18             23-May-03  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: Survey - anyone got joint probs?



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sometimes I roll them too tight...

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Message 7/18             24-May-03  @  12:17 AM   -   RE: Survey - anyone got joint probs?


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better than loose joints, innit  

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Message 8/18             24-May-03  @  08:28 AM   -   RE: Survey - anyone got joint probs?


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And sometimes when you are really thinking about it seriously (conspiracy) and asking many people, you add weight the yes's and reduce the value of the no's. Like when you buy a new type of car only then do you notice how many there are on the roads.

I also have an older friend who says that by the time you are 40 you will prolly have had a health mortality issue (mid death crisis)

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Message 9/18             24-May-03  @  04:01 PM   -   RE: Survey - anyone got joint probs?



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well the doc seems to think I've got a small cut on the surface of the cartilidge, but they aren't sure... if it doesnt clear up then it's in with the micro-camera apparently.

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Message 10/18             24-May-03  @  06:04 PM   -   RE: Survey - anyone got joint probs?


Posts: 6231

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well that's bound to help!

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