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Subject: free will

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Original Message 1/34             09-Mar-03  @  07:42 AM   -   free will


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Does it exist? Is it an illusion? I can't find an argument, either philosophical or logical, that even begins to demonstrate its existence. Is abandoning free will a cop-out? Is belief in it humanity's main mistake?

I have a LOT to say on this, but I'm gonna leave it for now. Mainly because I'm just curious what my fellow DT'ers think.


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Message 2/34             09-Mar-03  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: free will


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only halfway through it, and not sure of its conclusion (if there is one at all) but it's a fascinating read nonetheless. ^^^

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Message 3/34             09-Mar-03  @  11:25 AM     Edit: 09-Mar-03  |  05:41 PM   -   RE: free will

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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How can we have free will? It is more of a concept than an actuality. I don't mean this in a bad way. I am talking about Biology here. We have instincts and drives. Who we are and what we do is built on past experience coupled with our instincts and emotions. There are even many respected Psychoanalysts who believe that conscious thought itself is born of random unconscious signals and thoughts, and that the way we percieve consciousness is almost and illusion. Our conscious mind is only the tip of a very deep iceberg that we know very little about. We are highly eveolved socially. Living in the most complex society of any creature that we are aware of, hence our large brains and complex languages, but other than that we are not majorly different from any other mamal on this planet. The question that I'd like to know the answer to is do other animals feel that they are in control of their own lives? You would have thought so.

At any rate, truly free will can't exist within the minds of creatures of instinct, emotion and experience, such as ourselves. If anyone has been watching Derren Brown, or has ever learned about human Psychology, including areas such as Neurolinguistic Programming, then you will know what I mean.



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Message 4/34             09-Mar-03  @  03:25 PM   -   RE: free will

man called clay


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we are also just as guided by the stars as any notion of what we want...or who we might think we are.
i'm a double libra (w/sag rising) so it's hard for me to back down when there's a contest involving some issue regarding justice.
what sign are you guys?

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Message 5/34             09-Mar-03  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: free will


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Libra/Libra rising, Pisces moon.........


I've given up, there's no free will. ;)

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Message 6/34             09-Mar-03  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: free will


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I do believe in free will... not because of any application of intellectual rigor (philosophers have been debating this one since the year dot) but I choose to..


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Message 7/34             09-Mar-03  @  03:59 PM     Edit: 09-Mar-03  |  04:01 PM   -   RE: free will

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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How strange. Three doubles already. Wonder if it's a musician thing? I wouldn't have thought you peeps would be into Astrology, so I have never mentioned it, but I am Scorpio/Scorpio, with Aquairus rising (I think), and it does tend to show  



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Message 8/34             09-Mar-03  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: free will

man called clay


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yeah...this is strange and cool....

and exists or we'd all be stuck in dancetech forums forever!

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Message 9/34             09-Mar-03  @  05:33 PM     Edit: 09-Mar-03  |  05:33 PM   -   RE: free will


Posts: 1502

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You mean we're free to leave?


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Message 10/34             09-Mar-03  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: free will

man called clay


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i was only speaking hypothetically

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