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Subject: Saddam Interview

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Original Message 1/37             28-Feb-03  @  12:40 AM   -   Saddam Interview



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Anyone catch it with Dan Rather (SP).

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Message 2/37             28-Feb-03  @  01:08 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview



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saw most of it... it was an exercise in bullshit! Few people try to paint this guy in a reasonable light! Found out why last night.

The whole thing was spent daring Rather to contradict him, or even ask him a tough question.


That all said, I LOVE THE IDEA of a debate between him and GWB, not for any real reason other than the HILARITY of it!

He's way more charming (in a snake in the grass sort of way) than GWB ever will be.


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Message 3/37             28-Feb-03  @  01:20 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview



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hehe i think rather kinda feared for his life. he was in a palace in iraq in a room with saddam & 2 reporters.

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Message 4/37             28-Feb-03  @  01:27 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview



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uh not reporters "translaters"

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Message 5/37             28-Feb-03  @  02:04 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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I'm not one who condones death but..............

Imagine the scenario.... Wouldn't Dan Rather be the hero of the universe if he assasinated Saddam right there when he was with him? Of course they would have like shot Dan on the spot. But what if he could have slipped somthing into his drink, or when he shook his hand, left some sort of flesh eating virus on him....... These are the things I think about when I am driving to work. Just think about it. Bush wouldn't have any reason to start a war....... Dan Rather would be a God........ What gets me, is that Both Bush administrations have talked about assasinating Saddam for the longest time to get him out of power, but they say they can never find him. Well, have they tried asking Dan Rather??

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Message 6/37             28-Feb-03  @  02:22 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview



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Hehe thats exactly what I was talking about today with a buncha friends. We'd all agree that would make a great movie scene.

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Message 7/37             28-Feb-03  @  02:47 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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Saddam would eat Bush and shit him out in a live debate and the US government know it so there is no way they'd agree to it.

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Message 8/37             28-Feb-03  @  04:57 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


Posts: 4573

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wouldn't it be cool if someone assasinated Bush? Then we wouldn't have to go to war!

Oh my god, did I just type that? I'm goin' to jail.



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Message 9/37             28-Feb-03  @  05:12 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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i'll gladly go with you and keep you company, psy; DT lighthouse keeper. :p

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Message 10/37             28-Feb-03  @  07:28 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview



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hehehe, seriously, WATCH what you say, psy... they can drag you off for that!

besides, that'd leave us with Cheney! Jesus, those bastards have stacked the deck against assasination! Tell me they didn't plan this!

"I'm not one who condones death but"... we all die yo! Now if it's killing you don't condone, then why all the murder talk? Actually, killing Saddam would accomplish little... you'd have to kill Saddam, his 2 sons, 4 Baath party leaders who direct much of what goes on there, and another 60 or 70 Military and advisory personnel who would be happy to jump into that seat and keep on talking without us even noticing the ol' dog had done the deed.

Our government CANNOT kill Saddam no matter how much they'd like to... It's against both world and American laws to assasinate another country's leader... and the culprit would be a bit too obvious in this one... although I'll go Psylichon one better, rather than shot (which, as a good American I cannot approve of... hehehe) I'd like to see GW, his Dad, Cheney, Reagan, Alexander friggin' Hague, Don Wolfowitz, Rumsfield, Henry Kissinger and all the rest of those bizarre imperialist money grupping as+holes dragged into a world court and held responsible for their GODDAMNED crimes against humanity!!! There's a wonderful first step toward getting the rest of the world to understand that the American PEOPLE do not condone the kind of behind the velvet curtain brand of nastyness these F+ckheads play with!


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