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Subject: The Iraq War- History Lesson

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Original Message 1/38             03-Nov-04  @  09:02 PM   -   The Iraq War- History Lesson


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Flame me but alot of people who post in the lounge section don't know why republicans support the iraq war.

September 11th- Radical Muslims attack the united states and they finally get a taste of what terrorism is. We know who did it: a radical muslim who believes it is willed by his god to eliminate american culture. This is NOT relating to ANY events. Radical muslims despise the entire way that they view american culture, even though most haven't even been to america.

sidetrack: Did you know what the terrorists watched before they attacked the US? Baywatch. They don't hate us because of our politics, they hate our culture and they view our culture through television. Baywatch "hyped" them up for their attack against the united states.

Many people died and it was pretty much a kick in the balls for the US. We FINALLY come to our senses and realize how much of a threat radical Muslims pose against the future of the US and other countries.

Where do the majority of radical muslims live? The middle east.

Now why attack Iraq? Well it's simple yet complicated. Iraq has an absolutely insane amount of oil as you all know. Something you might not have known- what other natural resource is incredibly abundant under their soil? Water.

What can you do with both oil and water? Natural gas = fertilizer. Fertilizer + water ======= you do the math.

With the ability to have incredible economic benifits, Iraq has the ability to become the greatest nation in the middle east. Iraqis also are one of the most well educated people in the middle east- and they are also not lazy.

Now we've got means for a great economy, people who will make that economy happen- but we've got a problem. Dictator from hell. So the United states sees a chance to remove the dictator, take out as many terrorists who would make it even harder to spread democracy to iraq. Once Iraq becomes a democratic society and has the economic resources to become wealthy and has people who will work for it, whats next?

Ripple effect. Iraq becomes a great nation, the ripple spreads through the middle east. Once things get straightened out there, people will start to realize, hey democracy aint so bad! And once surrounding countries see how well iraq is doing, it spreads to them as well.

The entire Iraq war can be summed up in those two words ripple effect.

There is ABSOLUTELY no FUCKING way to negotiate with terrorists. How the hell are you supposed to tell someone "hey, your god is wrong, so please dont kill us, aight?"

Sure we could have captured Bin Laden, thrown him in jail- then what? We'd have nothing but more radical muslims spawning from his wake. Through this ripple effect that will be sent through the middle east, it changes radical ideals in bulk.

Of course, this is a HUGE generalization. This isn't going to happen over night. This is something that is going to evolve over time, and take time to set in.

Still I know that this will not be enough for you guys, and i know this isnt going to change any of your opinions--- im not trying to- but it sounds like the right idea to over half of the country. I know I'll probably get torn to shreds for posting this, but this isn't a dig on anyone, just a republican point of view on the war in Iraq, and after all, republicans did start the war.

Now I'm getting a bit faklempt! Discuss amongst's a topic....why republicans support the iraq war!

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Message 2/38             03-Nov-04  @  09:20 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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Oh and an addition: 80% of american troops voted bush back in office.

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Message 3/38             03-Nov-04  @  09:38 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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Because they're fucking idiots who write the most romantic excuses for war to feel even better (read superior) than they did before!

There's no improvement in you...

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Message 4/38             03-Nov-04  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson



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it was republicans that helped provide iraq the gift of saddam hussein.


no digs...just the facts.
i love hearing republicans stutter on about that one.
"well...he was better than having some radical muslims in there.
how were we to know?"

how about the fact that we knew he was a murderer at the age of 13?
clue maybe?!!?!


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Message 5/38             03-Nov-04  @  10:31 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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This is the most disgusting reason for invading a sovereign nation that I've ever heard.

Thanks for making it clear... now I'm even more pissed off about how selfish and rotten the majority of Americans are.

Try for a minute to take a wholistic look at the world. What makes you think that they WANT what we have? This is the same mentallity these same people use in thinking that my 4 year old son needs to be SAVED from my misguided religion.

Look... whatever the reason, it was selfish, greedy and motivated by a megalomaniacal view. It's sick and twisted and wrong. Those 3000 people who died on 9/11 didn't deserve it.... they shouldn't have been thrust into the horrible position of leaping from the crumbling towers.

The little burnt up 5 year old kid that was found on the road to Baghdad, having been struck by US munitions... didn't deserve it... he shouldn't have died crying for his mother in the arms of the officer that ordered his death.

Fucking republicans, and all the half wits who signed on this week... they don't LIVE there, they don't see this. New York and Pennsylvania both voted for the challenger... like how Europe GETS that war sucks and people die and it's not ok cause they lived it maybe? Maybe.


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Message 6/38             03-Nov-04  @  10:38 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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This post just GALLS me... believe what you want man... I'm not bashing you , Andrew... not this time

This motivation is "It's a strategic move to secure the safety of the United States"

A startegy, to roll over little kids. Demolish homes!!! Kill people, to make me safer!

Think about it... man...

this excuse advocates the idea that it's exceptable to buy my safety with the lives of others. others who had NOTHING whatsoever to do with my safety. They were, casualties... an awful word that means they aren't formal!!! they aren't official deaths... just the casual by product of securing my "GOD" given right to wallow in my own shit and behave like a xenophobic, self righteous moron.

Arh... it's fuckin' galling man...

just infuriating that ANYONE thinks this way... let alone the majority!!!

Ya know, America could have been a really decent amazing experiment. Give people the right to choose and give them the resources to achieve... give them a constitution that guarantees all these things, and a sense of responsibility...

And what do they do with it! They piss it away on fear, tribalism and greed!

Fuck you


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Message 7/38             03-Nov-04  @  10:39 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson



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Man Survives Jump Into Lion's Den.
46-Year-Old Reportedly Trying To Convert Lions To Christianity.

A man was attacked and injured after jumping into a lion's den at the Taipei Zoo and trying to convert the lions to Christianity.

The 46-year-old man leaped into the den of African lions and shouted "Jesus will save you," according to the report. He also said, "Come bite me" before one of the male lions attacked and bit the man.
Click here for more images.

Video showed the lion ripping a jacket off the man at the zoo in Taiwan's capital, clawing him and then biting the man in the leg.

Zoo workers were able to drive off the lion with water hoses and tranquilizer guns.

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Message 8/38             03-Nov-04  @  10:52 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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lovely metaphor mcc... thanks


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Message 9/38             04-Nov-04  @  02:17 AM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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I get what you're saying Andrew, so you support the idea that you can bring a stable civilised society thru economic means - which is probably true, no-one riots when they are well fed and happy

However - what's happened in Afghanistan since the war ended? - nothing, except they are wacking out herion onto the global market again like it's going out of fashion.

the hard facts are that the USA economy is absolutely dire at the moment, the US doesnt have the money to regenerate Afghanistan or Iraq.

ergo - no ripple effect.

Instead all we've got is MILLIONS MORE raving anti-US nutters & the USA is gradualy isolating itself globaly, and you're economy cant take that mate.

then what? - dude, you say you care about your country, i dont think you've thought this thru LONGTERM

tell me, as a republican, HOW is all this going to be paid for? - if youre economy is going down,and you need to spend MORE. not only on the war itself and international policing but also 'rebuilding' to cause the ripple effect and stabilise a place

How is Bush going to do it?

I submit therefore that WHATEVER your BELIEFS in this area, the PLAN is UN-workable.

The usa is mired in a economy-draining 'war' with no way out except a climb down or a commitment to massive spending on a permenant occupying army abroad. - at the end of the day the only relevent thing here surely is - when the dust settles THERE'S STILL NO GAME PLAN.

(same for the UK, we got no dentists for example, but we can spend billions supporting some shit that totakly doesnt have ANYTHING to do with us as a nation of people.)

that's a joke.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/38             04-Nov-04  @  02:53 AM     Edit: 04-Nov-04  |  02:58 AM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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"September 11th- Radical Muslims attack the united states and they finally get a taste of what terrorism is. We know who did it: a radical muslim who believes it is willed by his god to eliminate american culture. This is NOT relating to ANY events. Radical muslims despise the entire way that they view american culture, even though most haven't even been to america."

Asshole it wasn't IRAQ. Get that through your dumb fucking head finally.

Clinton tried to warn Bush about Bin Laden saying he was the most dangerous person in the world. The CIA tried to take Bin Laden out under Clinton and failed because they underestimated his network. The Clinton admin considered using cruise missiles in Afghanistan but because of international concerns decided to go with covert operations which failed, again because they underestimated Bin Ladens network and stealthiness. Bush refused to listen to Clinton's warning and kept talking about getting Saddam Hussein. So Saddam who was not a threat is caught and Bin Laden who is a threat is free as a bird so fuck you stupid republican asshole. And bring it you pussies.

American soldiers are dieing for no good reason in Iraq other than the oil. I hope you sleep well at night moron. I hope you're happy shelling out bucks for Haliburton, if you pay taxes yet. Fuck you you're not an American, bitch.

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