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Subject: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons

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Original Message 1/38             03-Mar-03  @  10:42 PM   -   ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons


Posts: 1345

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as it says, Ridiculously Off Topic.

the ramblings of a particularly brain damaged individual can be found here:


open for debate

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Message 2/38             04-Mar-03  @  02:12 AM   -   RE: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons



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oh no! you're not luring me into this debate. you're not. YOU'RE NOT!

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Message 3/38             04-Mar-03  @  02:44 AM     Edit: 04-Mar-03  |  02:47 AM   -   RE: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons


Posts: 1345

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but little d, i have all those other articles i`m working on:

Speed of light minus epsilon: "Honey, have we packed everything?"

Mission to Mars: Michael Collins and the Grand Heresy

Solar Helium-3: Harrison H. Schmitt and the Giant Robots

Armstrong & Aldrin: fighting tooth and nails for the spotlight

won`t you participate? you know how i value your insight.

pretty please ?

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Message 4/38             04-Mar-03  @  07:39 AM   -   RE: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons


Posts: 1345

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well, here it is people, i have succeeeded in getting banned from both VOIVOD sites.

here`s my last post (that was denied to me) on (forum)

(by the way, i went under manipulator on both sites/ &


too funny... if you only knew...

too bad you don't list an e-mail, i could have enlighted you with the truth. maybe they were right, and you are a piece of shit, unfortunately, i have no way of knowing.

i guess you're gonna ban me too, but that's fine, i can go to blabbermouth and spill my "saucerful of secrets"

"And if the cloud burst, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in start playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the MOON"

transmission out...

if anyone wonders if i`m dead at some point, you can always try to e-mail me at
or visit me at 4800 Henri-Julien, Montreal, from noon 'till six tuesday to saturday. but maybe they will have popped a few rounds in me by then, so don't be surprised to find no answer. with all my love.


p.s.: the album is out, it's called VOIVOD, make sure you listen to track 11. sorry i won't be able to send out the promised copy, i've failed.(again)

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Message 5/38             04-Mar-03  @  10:08 AM   -   RE: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons


Posts: 673

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sorry moonunit but whats the point

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Message 6/38             04-Mar-03  @  10:27 AM   -   RE: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons


Posts: 1345

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i tought i was caught up in some devilish conspiracy, but it turns out i`m not banned from (altought i am banned from

the point is to bring the empire to it's knees, as simple as that.

who would have tought ?

again see:

if you fail to see the point, i guess i have a shitload of work on my hands. :P

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Message 7/38             04-Mar-03  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons



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and the other point is that i am M.A.D.

look it up if you don't know what i'm talking about

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Message 8/38             04-Mar-03  @  08:41 PM   -   RE: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons


Posts: 4573

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dude, I've been to your site and both voivod forums and I still can't get at what you're on about.

What's there to debate? It's an article on words. Perhaps you could tell us why you were banned, cause not many people are gonna be arsed to try and figure it out. I was, and I still don't get it.

Obviously we're all missing something. Why not just come out and tell us how you really feel...

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Message 9/38             05-Mar-03  @  01:34 AM   -   RE: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons



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satellite's gone up to the skies thing like that drive me out of my mind i watched it for a little while i like to watch things on TV

satellite's gone way up to Mars soon it will be filled with parking cars i watch it for a little while i love to watch things on TV

i've been told that you've been bold with Harry, Mark and John monday, Tuesday, Wednesday through Thursday with Harry, Mark and John

satellite's gone up to the skies thing like that drive me out of my mind i watch it for a little while i love to watch things on TV

bum bum bum satellite of love

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Message 10/38             05-Mar-03  @  01:35 AM   -   RE: ROT: Kepler, Asimov & the moons



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did a ve-hic-le come from somewhere out there...?

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