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Subject: Matrix Reloaded

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Original Message 1/90             27-Jan-03  @  01:05 PM   -   Matrix Reloaded


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Ok.. caught a link to the Superbowl trailer for this on Aint it Cool news and I gotta admit, it looks pretty fucking impressive... that AND the teaser for the Hulk...

Any thoughts?

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Message 2/90             27-Jan-03  @  01:09 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Def Z


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I caught both as well. I think Matrix looks like it could be good, but I get the feeling that the Hulk will be like Godzilla - a good idea only.

Did you catch the trailer for Daredevil? I knew it was only a matter of time until Jennifer Garner was doing a super-action-hero roll. And I bet she and that dude from Triple XXX will be in an action movie together...

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Message 3/90             27-Jan-03  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Daredevil looks pretty good... I'm a bit of a film fan, and tend to keep an eye on the 'net buzz.. apparently, the script itself was receiving some pretty good reviews which bodes fairly well coz if the script sux then the movie has less of a chance of being any good (well I think so anyhow..)

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Message 4/90             27-Jan-03  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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I will watch the Hulk but only cuz Jennifer Connelly is in it

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Message 5/90             27-Jan-03  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

broken silence


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requiem for a dream = the most disgusting movie ever

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Message 6/90             27-Jan-03  @  10:01 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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that movie was _good_; so what if it was a bit disturbing...

watch "night&fog" (or.. there's some crazy surrealist film about a slaughterhouse..)if you want disgusting.


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Message 7/90             27-Jan-03  @  10:04 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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requiem is about PERFECT in terms of execution.

anything "Matrix" related is bound to be an empty shell, coated all about the exterior with flashiness, fancy editing nonsense, and "stars"

on the other hand, most humans seem to like these intellectual voids of films. hence the proliferation of such.

whatever. stupid people make stupid films because stupid people want to see explosions and such. they make $$, the formulae work.

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Message 8/90             27-Jan-03  @  10:11 PM     Edit: 27-Jan-03  |  10:15 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Steve Roughley

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"anything "Matrix" related is bound to be an empty shell, coated all about the exterior with flashiness, fancy editing nonsense, and "stars""

Yeah, I must admit that when I saw an extended trailer to the new Matrix films, I just had to yawn. They are filming 5 whole people at once in slllooowww motion matrix time now. Oooh boy. The first film was a one off and, I felt, a damned good movie (even though the entire story, style, characters, wardrobe, plot, in fact the whole bloody film was stolen from about twenty other productions/stories that I can think of... erm, where was I? oh... close bracket), how on earth can they better it?!



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Message 9/90             27-Jan-03  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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well they could have removed that retard keanu for starters. [sigh]

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Message 10/90             28-Jan-03  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


Posts: 358

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I dunno, I think Keanu did pretty well in the first one. I'm not really sure where they gonna go with the movie though. I mean, He's the one - he can't die. Why are they trying to kill him?

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