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Original Message 1/10             13-Apr-03  @  01:17 AM   -


Posts: 7627

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Hey all you euros;)

anyone ever heard of this place? Im selling a fairly pricy piece of gear to a guy in europe and he wants to use this escrow company but Ive never heard of them and their website is..well...lacking.

reassurance would be great but I think Im gonna tell this guy no deal unless he uses, with whom I am familiar


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Message 2/10             13-Apr-03  @  01:30 AM   -   RE:

man called clay


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don't do what you're not comfortable with. but explain this to him.

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Message 3/10             13-Apr-03  @  03:08 AM   -   RE:


Posts: 7627

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already did. told him unless we use no deal.

he said ok

but Id still like to know about this place for future reference

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Message 4/10             13-Apr-03  @  05:31 AM   -   RE:

man called clay


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just the name would suggest it's legit. and seems the only way to find out is to try it out on a small scale first. ask the guy to do...say a hundred bucks....or pay the full amount first. someone's got to show some good faith to begin with.
might as well be the guy paying, eh?

have you thought of setting up a pay-pal account?
i'd think this would be the easiest way to go.

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Message 5/10             13-Apr-03  @  10:42 AM   -   RE:


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if it's a pricy piece of gear the paypal fees would be pretty big...

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Message 6/10             13-Apr-03  @  04:28 PM   -   RE:

man called clay


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how do the pay-pal fees work?
it seems it'd be difficult to find anyone who'd handle a transfer of funds, especially internationally, without exacting some chunk for themselves.

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Message 7/10             13-Apr-03  @  06:41 PM   -   RE:


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no theyll take a cut, but a)FUCK paypal. Their customer service is HORRIBLE (check out b)paypal doesnt really provide any genuine protection to either party really.

escrow will cost, but the buyer will pay the fees. on this amount paypal would be close to $200 or so...

dunno...the guy agreed to use the escrow service that I am familiar with. much better

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Message 8/10             13-Apr-03  @  07:01 PM   -   RE:


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it's complicated - over here (UK) it's 20p + 3/4% of the total amount sent + 50p to transfer into your bank account basic, but they have extra fees for recieving money in a currency other than your own (even though you still get charged currency conversion fees by your bank) and ummm... they also have fees for recieving money in your OWN currency. go figure. so anyway, it can cost you 5% or more of the total amount in the end if you're unlucky.

so if you're selling on ebay, all that + your ebay fees = a lot of money down the shitter   it's prolly a fair bit smoother if you're in US but you still need to keep an eye on where your money's going, espcially if you're selling the stuff for a living.

that's not to say I don't use paypal, it's damn useful and you'll usually get more money for an auction if you accept it as people like spending money they don't have, but it can be an expensive business.

oh, and it can be worryingly easy for someone to scam you if they send money that way.

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Message 9/10             13-Apr-03  @  11:53 PM   -   RE:


Posts: 1502

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Just send all the money to me...

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Message 10/10             14-Apr-03  @  02:11 PM   -   RE:

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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whatever happened to the days of leaving brown envelopes on park benches.

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