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Subject: High Time

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Original Message 1/83             30-Oct-02  @  07:11 PM   -   High Time


Posts: 4573

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Anybody here get Time magazine? If not, you need to go to a newsstand and pick one up. You'll know which issue I mean... the one with the pack of joints on the cover.

Great multi-article snapshot on the state of marijuana in America today. Very honest and very very good for the movement. Seeing stuff like this in a conservative mag like Time gives me hope for America.

Anyways, lots of good stuff here, check it out...


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Message 2/83             30-Oct-02  @  08:54 PM   -   RE: High Time



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It'll take more tha THC to give me hope for USA but... A Federal court approved of Doctors making Marijuana prescriptions yesterday... One small step... blah blah blah


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Message 3/83             30-Oct-02  @  08:57 PM   -   RE: High Time


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hey, we're talking about pot here. Yeah, America's still gonna suck if they legalize it, but think of how much LESS it would suck.

A little open-mindedness towards something like marijana does a lot towards a society. It's about more than getting high.


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Message 4/83             30-Oct-02  @  09:40 PM   -   RE: High Time


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not really. i'm sure it will eventually be firmly nested in the entertainment industry culture's sapping techniques. who cares, right. come on, baby, sap me.

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Message 5/83             30-Oct-02  @  10:27 PM   -   RE: High Time


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oh jeezus, you guys are just so cynical that you don't even want pot to be legalized? because it will be another tool for "da man"?

whew, it gets a bit thick around here...


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Message 6/83             30-Oct-02  @  11:34 PM   -   RE: High Time


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I have to say I find it amusing when a bunch of dirty hippies are chanting legalize it and then claim that they want it legal for medicinal use

skirting the issue, innit?

personally I dont care if its legal or illegal except that the drug war is a joke.

using it for medicinal purposes vs getting stoned and eating doritos are two entirely different things, but then get blurred conveniently by the dopers

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Message 7/83             31-Oct-02  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: High Time

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Did you know that the USA government spent over $20,000,000,000 on Marijuana control alone during the 90's? How fucking pathetic!!! Man, the worlds governments need to realise the tax potential in drugs. And fast!



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Message 8/83             31-Oct-02  @  01:42 AM   -   RE: High Time


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see thats another thing...why the fuck would I want to pay taxes on something like that?

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Message 9/83             31-Oct-02  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: High Time


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um... you only pay taxes on what you buy. Nothing wrong with that. I'd rather pay taxes than black-market markup. Think about it.


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Message 10/83             31-Oct-02  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: High Time


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why'd you have to go and drag doritos into this?

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