aaa my life is over, there is no point - The lounge forums
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Subject: my life is over, there is no point

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Original Message 1/11             01-Oct-02  @  10:23 AM   -   my life is over, there is no point


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*sob* *wail*

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Message 2/11             01-Oct-02  @  10:37 AM   -   RE: my life is over, there is no point


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damn. EU is just as bad with the phony bullshit, eh?

glad theyre gone. another one bites the dust

and another fills the space. blech

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Message 3/11             01-Oct-02  @  10:44 AM   -   RE: my life is over, there is no point


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"Band-member Danny Foster said insults from members of the public in the street and excessive cynicism had helped hasten the split."

  hear'say - my part in their downfall

i don't think it was excessive though. it doesn't stop here either, there's another 2 tv shows on the go at the moment.

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Message 4/11             01-Oct-02  @  11:40 AM   -   RE: my life is over, there is no point


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Bedwyr, whose your favorite in Fame Academy?

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Message 5/11             01-Oct-02  @  01:52 PM   -   RE: my life is over, there is no point


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has it started yet?

oo ooo .. I want to see more fragile young egos sacrificed on the altar of the 'The Bottom Line'..

Yes, the music industry is gollum'ssss, yesssss

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Message 6/11             01-Oct-02  @  01:55 PM   -   RE: my life is over, there is no point


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What will the students do each day?

Wake up is at 6.30 for a packed day of lessons. They will also take part in online webchats and write a diary which will be posted on the Fame Academy website. Bedtime is 11pm.

hoohoohoohoo.. watch them suffer, watch the meteoric rise to fame of one unlucky contestant followed by inevitable descent into despair and drug abuse.. o yes..

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Message 7/11             01-Oct-02  @  04:25 PM   -   RE: my life is over, there is no point



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thank f*ck for that! - Now lets bring back proper live talent shows, with real bands who are out there already working hard... why can't we have like a new 'The Tube' or 'Whistle test' - with live bands in the studio, but make 'em unsigned... not a talent contest thing crap... but just to actualy get some real talent on the Tv again & show it off...

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Message 8/11             01-Oct-02  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: my life is over, there is no point


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Where's the money in that?

They might minds of their own and resist having their image remade... baaad idea...

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Message 9/11             01-Oct-02  @  08:45 PM   -   RE: my life is over, there is no point



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the money is in the same thing, a deal at the end.. oh wait, songs etc I see yes... well come on, it'd be popular and get good sponsorship or whatever. No guff, no endless arty mini-documentaries padding out the show with 'meet the band' arty video crap - just, boom, next up, play.. boom next up, play... etc etc.. more content, less padding.

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Message 10/11             01-Oct-02  @  08:59 PM   -   RE: my life is over, there is no point


Posts: 1502

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With fruit? You know tomatoes and stuff?

That would be cool.. but all those reality pop wankers crap shows are designed for maximum revenue, advertising, phone lines, voting.. massive hype..

I like the idea but it would have to work as a business plan for those guys...

Why not pitch it? has it been done before.. what happened?

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